RE: RE: Breaking “Apocalyptic Orange Snow Falls In Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria [Video]
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RE: Breaking “Apocalyptic Orange Snow Falls In Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria [Video]

RE: Breaking “Apocalyptic Orange Snow Falls In Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria [Video]

''What's going on?''
1- Grand Solar Minimum: cyclic period of very low solar activity, happens every ~400 years and lasts between 20 and 70 years. Refer to the Maunder Minimum (1645-1710). This is how glaciers form on mountains every few houndred years, this is how world-wide famines happened, how empires fell, etc.
2- geoMagnetic Reversal: random (not cyclic) and rare event, last full reversal happened 786 000 years ago and lasted a little more than 100 years, last semi-reversal (not completed) happened 41 000 years ago. In seafloore core samples, drilled 200 million years deep, we have over 300 reversals to analyse. They all happen in an exponential fashion, starting slow and accelerating to midway reversal (peak) when the magnetosphere is weakest and multipolar, then decelerates exponentially. The average total time from start to finish is ~2000 years but the most devastating effects are around Peak, about 10% of progression time. The present Reversal started 200 years ago, the magnetic poles are shifting in straight lines on the map, accelerating, the magnetosphere is ~30% weaker right now, and by this acceleration rate Peak should be in 2040 when the magnetosphere should be about 75-80% weak, like the usual 500-year Reversal..
So these 2 events have growing effects on atmpospheric conditions, weather patterns, insect/bird/fish life cycles and migrations, disrupt plant cycles, etc, etc. Global Cooling during these events mostly comes from the increase of galactic/cosmic rays entering the Solar System and in our atmosphere, eventually through our planet. Cosmic Ray influx charges the atmosphere with electrostatic energy witch has the effect of generating more evaporation, clouds and precipitations. Cloud Coverage is a very important parameter in global temperatures: more clouds means more Albido Effect (white clouds bounce sunlight back into space, cast shadow on the ground) and more precipitations use up ground heat for evaporation, so more clouds means colder global temperatures. Global temperatures can fluctuate as fast as Global cloud coverage can.
I suggest you prepare, what we see now is just a beginning and should last until 2060-2070 with a peak in 2040 when conditions will be hardest. Behold!

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