Illegal Immigrant Deported 7 Times Involved In Fatal Drunk Driving Crash


Nemias Garcia-Velasco, 32, was involved in a fatal crash on July 5, 2017 in Douglas County, Nebraska (Omaha). His 2001 Dodge Ram Van was going over 100 mph at the time of the accident and it hit a guardrail, rolled over and caught fire. A passenger Silvano Torres, who wasn't wearing a seatbelt died in the crash.

Mr. Garcia-Velasco admitted to police at the scene that he had consumed 12 beers some hours before the crash. At the hospital his BAC (blood alcohol level) measured at .243, well over the legal limit of .08.

What is not surprising, and has been happening time after time all over the US, is that Mr. Garcia-Velasco is an illegal immigrant from Mexico. We are becoming more aware of illegals committing crimes in our country, after Donald Trump's escalator Presidential announcement, even though these crimes have been in "hidden" in full view for a very long time.

What makes this particular incident noteworthy is that Garcia-Velasco had been deported 7 previous times to this incident. You did not misread that. He was deported SEVEN previous times. This case speaks to how broken our immigration system is and how weak our border is.

Deportation means relatively little to someone who is motivated to come to this country and has economic and/or familial ties. You get sent back and all you have to do is return via the same path. Your only concern is being caught again and face the relative light slap on the wrist of deportation.

Of course if you are a smart illegal, you would set up shop in a sanctuary city and you could enjoy the full privileges of this country; drivers license, free education for your children, anchor baby citizenship, welfare, voting, legal protections, etc.

This is pure speculation but worth consideration. Douglas County, Nebraska, where the crime occurred is not a sanctuary city/county but Hall County and Sarpy County both in Nebraska are. One has to wonder if Mr. Garcia-Velasco resided in these counties and had the misfortune of committing his crime in Douglas County? <--- Current Sanctuary City List <--- Mugshot and Source Courtesy of Omaha World Herald

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