Crypto News Flash #79 : Robinhood Is Coming With Its Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange | More Than A Million People Already In Line !!

Well, if you're a trader/investor in stocks, then you surely would have listened this name : Robinhood. 

Robinhood is a stock trading platform which allows its users trade or invest in stocks without any trading fees. Yes, you head it right, Without any trading fees!

Most of us who traded stocks came across this Stock trading platform because of its 'free' trading model as well as easy and clean user interface. It would not be wrong if I say that this platform is favorite of Billions of traders/investors.

Now, Robinhood is coming in crypto verse to provide its users a platform to trade cryptocurrencies without any trading fees. Robinhood recently announced that it'll start trading digital currencies shortly and allowing sign-ups for early access on its official website. 

Within 4 days of this announcement, more than 1 Million people have signed up for the Crypto trading app being developed by the Robinhood. The leading stock exchange also announced that it will start crypto trading in coming February 2018 and options will later be introduced this year.

This move by Robinhood is considered highly bold by many crypto enthusiasts as many already crypto exchanges are already facing issue with transactions speed because of higher number of transaction even after they charge hefty amount of trading fees, while Robinhood is offering free Digital coins trading.

Some people are calling Robinhood, the Coinbase Killer which is the largest US based crypto exchange for buying/selling Cryptocurrencies for fiat. 

Now, the time will tell the reality and the efficiency of Robinhood crypto exchange but more than 1 Million sign-ups are signalling the huge interest of people into cryptocurrencies trading. 

Thanks for reading ..!!

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