News Flash:The West are the Baddies in World War III


Russia has changed the tide of the Syrian war where western, Gulf State powers, Turkey and Israel have been supporting terrorists all along under the guise of regime change. Hence the reason ISIS continued to grow until Russia stepped in in August 2015. The west’s ‘chasing terrorists’ charade has fallen apart and Russia has played a lead role wiping out real global terrorism in the world. That fact alone shows that Russia is nowhere near as bad as the west portrays it to be. In actuality, things are the other way round these days. After all, it is the US, UK and EU governments that clearly destroyed Libya and supported terrorists and even went so far as to imprison Julian Assange, the worlds #1 publisher of leaked nefarious government information.

Let’s not also forget that western countries and the Atlantic Council profess to be spreading democracy and implementing humanitarianism, yet they are partnered with the Saudi and Gulf State (U.A.E.) theocratic, despotic monarchies that spread the violent Wahabi Salafist ideology, finance and perpetuate terrorism and conduct barbaric atrocities against their own citizens who protest against those governments. They also sell them billions in bombs that are being dropped on innocent Yemeni citizens and causing the largest real humanitarian crisis in the world. Thus, western governments and Israel are, in actuality, that which they profess to despise and protect against. Up is down and down is up. We in the west live in an Orwellian society with shades of Aldus Huxley’s Brave New World.

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Real News: The Entire US Media and Western Lied About Ukraine and Crimeans Voted Overwhelmingly to Secede

In February 2014 a coup was carried out in Kiev, Ukraine utilizing violent Right Sector Neo-Nazis to overthrow the legitimate elected government of the country in order to bring it into the western sphere of influence and pull it into conflict and out of Russia’s orbit. These Neo-Nazis groups were financed by Ukrainian oligarchs and directly supported by the United States government. The entire US media establishment went along with the false narrative on Ukraine by portraying these violent groups as legitimate peaceful protesters who were seeking freedom from repression, however, nothing could be further from the truth that the media intentionally concealed from the public.

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This was being reported before it even happened: IMI- Analysis – Understanding the Grand Chessboard – Leading German Think Tank 2009/013, in: IMI/DFG-VK: Kein Frieden mit der NATO

Imperial Geopolitics: Ukraine, Georgia and the New Cold War between NATO and Russia

January 1, 2009

Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand current and future U.S., EU and NATO policy. Over ten years ago the former National Security Advisor gave a graphic description of the imperatives of imperial geopolitics. He argued that the U.S.A.’s position of supremacy should be preserved under all circumstances. To this end NATO, acting as a “bridgehead” of the U.S.A., should expand into Eurasia and take control of geostrategically important regions so as to prevent Russia’s resurgence as a powerful political force.

Brzezinski had in mind two countries or regions in particular: “Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire. Russia without Ukraine can still strive for imperial status, but it would then become a predominantly Asian imperial state, more likely to be drawn into debilitating conflicts with aroused Central Asians, who would then be supported by their fellow Islamic states to the south.” “However, if Moscow regains control over Ukraine, with its 52 million people and major resources as well as access to the Black Sea, Russia automatically again regains the wherewithal to become a powerful imperial state, spanning Europe and Asia.”1 Brzezinski argued further that there was an imperative need to gain control of the southern Caucasus, i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, on Russia’s southern flank. The past master of U.S. geopolitics set out the aim and purpose of NATO policy with impressive clarity: “The United States and the NATO countries – while sparing Russia’s self-esteem to the extent possible, but nevertheless firmly and consistently – are destroying the geopolitical foundations which could, at least in theory, allow Russia to hope to acquire the status as the number two power in world politics that belonged to the Soviet Union.

As reported by the UN, since February 2014, over 12,000 innocent people (the number is likely much higher) have been killed in the Ukrainian Civil War, the near entirety of the victims are ethnic Russian civilian men, women and children who have been bombed in their own homes by the Kiev regime forces supported by the United States and western powers. That illegal bombing continues to this very day and OSCE ‘observers’ intentionally obfuscate their reports to obscure that the Kiev forces who drove 400 miles east and are conducting this indiscriminate shelling of the civilian population.

The Russian ‘invasion’ that the US media and western representatives incessantly ‘reported’ about for the past 5 years never materialized. They simply manufactured the narrative. If Russia did want East Ukraine the war for the eastern portion would have been long since over years ago. The truth is that the real invading army that is killing and terrorizing civilians is the one that came eastward from Kiev. The people of Donbass simply held two referendums to claim their own ethnic Russian state after the US State Department backed coup. This fact has also been intentionally covered up by the entire US establishment CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) controlled media. After the referendums, the US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki went on record saying that the new Kiev regime forces have the right to attack east Ukraine in order to maintain sovereignty.

Videos of Massive Crowds in Breakaway Republics in Former Ukraine and Crimea Prove Western Media Lied about the War

Video of the Crimean people celebrating rejoining Russia -

The US media has also intentionally never sent any reporters into the conflict zone to accurately report the fate of the 6 million plus ethnic Russian civilians living in Donbass. If they were to do so they would see that the actual Donbass rebels are primarily (85%) made up of local inhabitants. The remainder of the forces are international volunteers. The US media has also neglected to report on the 2 million ethnic Russian civilians refugees who fled TO RUSSIA. The fact that refugees sought safety with Russia is a definitive indicator of the fact that the Kiev regime forces were killing ethnic Russian families. The near entirety of the video evidence coming out of the war zone proves the aforementioned account to be true beyond any reasonable doubt regardless of any corrupt establishment media spin. I have personally compiled over 500 hours of video evidence related to the Ukrainian Conflict that highlight the misrepresentations by western media of the truth about the war. Using social media, first person videos and eyewitness accounts while working in collaboration with video compilers all over the world, I believe I have compiled one of the largest cache of videos related to the Ukrainian Civil War and I present my entire work below, as well as that of some of my fellow truth seekers in other countries. - Channel: In between days -
172 first person videos, victim videos, fascist battalion videos – 635,000 views - Channel: texase30 - Channel: texase30 79 first person videos, victim videos, Right Sector videos, MH17 videos – 199,000 views - Channel: californiastars - Channel: californiastars 160 first person videos, victim videos, fascist battalions videos, – 1,730,000 views

Live Leak – Manifest Destiny Account -115,000 views – 56 videos

Roses Have Thorns - Casualties of the Ukrainian Revolution - YouTube Roses Have Thorns You Tube channel compilation of over 17 videos featuring 27 straight hours of translated video from the first 3 years of the Ukrainian War. Watchdog Media Outlet is based out of Australia and managed by war researcher Chris Nolan.

In this post I am not even gonna go into what they have done with Saudi Arabia in Yemen, in Libya, in Iraq and what they are trying to do with Iran and Venezuela. Most people by now know that something is drastically wrong and we are being lied to about everything. The Trump Show is for US domestic divide and conquer distraction to hide all this geopolitical warmongering and territorial control which is where the real big money is made by the criminal cabal. Its time to wake up to what is really going on.......the Israelis, the Zionists, the Freemasons, the global elite and their puppets, the corrupt corporate system are being exposed, hence the reason for all the chaos they are creating now. They were never going after terrorists. They are the backers of the terrorists which they use for deceptive purposes and to coalesce power.... which is now being used to divide and conquer and control you and others who expose the truth. Their ultimate goal is complete world control over you and all humanity. They do not care if this leads to full scale global war, as long as they stay on top.

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