Huge Facebook Censorship Purge Enacted As Atlantic Council/NATO Partnered Social Media Giant Removes Over 800 Alternative Media Accounts

On Thursday October 11, 2018 Facebook initiated another large wave of censorship. This follows the previous wave that took place in mid August 2018. This time around Facebook removed over 800 accounts, including those shown in the screenshots provided below, that are US based publishers who publish political content that is often in contrast to accepted mainstream media narratives.

For this current censorship purge Facebook is using the excuse of 'spamming' to conduct the censorship of the politically oriented content. Previously Clarity of Signal has presented extensive evidence that Facebook is colluding with the Atlantic Council, FireEye Intelligence and other government/NATO related organizations to determine what is allowed to be presented as factual information on the Facebook social media site. Links to other related censorship and propaganda posts are included following the screenshots and at the foot of this post. Links to the Tweets are also provided below.

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Link to the Mind Unleashed channel where Derek Broze explains the current purge of alt-sites/accounts. (Channel still up and running at this time) -

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Heres what Free Thought Project was guilty of, reporting the truth:

Facebook & Google Promise Congress They'll Brainwash You With Their Own 'Counter Propaganda' -- Time to Move to STEEMIT

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Related censorship posts:

Conclusive Evidence: Facebook Subcontracts Censorship Measures Out To FireEye Intelligence/Hedge Fund Operatives And Atlantic Council

Big Brother Fully Arrives As UK Communications Office Rolls Out "Rapid Response Unit" To Counter Narratives That May Be Damaging To The Government

Exposing Facebook partner "Atlantic Council DFR Labs" Ben Nimmo

Oh Those Embarrassing Moments: Atlantic Council's Ben Nimmo Outs 'Russian Bot' That Turns Out To Simply Be A UK Citizen Tired Of UK Government Warmongering

Posts related to who is behind the real fake news agenda and their relationship to the Atlantic Council:

Huge Information Drop Exposing More Links Between The Atlantic Council, PropOrNot, Michael Weiss, The Daily Beast, Mouaz Moustafa and the Wars in Libya, Syria and Ukraine

Huge Information Drop on Deep State Propaganda Arm: Fact Checking Outfit Snopes Rolls Out The Atlantic Councils Pro-War Armchair Propagandists To Cover For Mass Media And Government Lies About Latest White Helmets False Flag in Syria

Revealing the Links Between Brown Moses, Bellingcat, PropOrNot and the Atlantic Council in Relation to Psy Ops for Syria and Ukraine

Unmasking PropOrNot - Exposing Deep State Crimes by George Eliason

Link to LA Times story on todays Facebook purge:

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Link to official Facebook notice related to the deletion of the accounts:

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Mint Press News and RT reporter Mnar Muhawesh now censored on Facebook and Twitter.

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Link to Caitoz Twitter account:

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Link to WeAreChange video with Dan Dicks (Press for Truth) interview:

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Image of Mother Jones blatant sucking up to the censorship establishment is provided as an example of complicit media working in collusion with the government and corrupt establishment. Comments provide examples of people seeing through the deception.

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Link to SputnikNews story:

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THE PURGE IS HERE: Hundreds of political social media pages deleted without warning!

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List of 175 of the 800 purged accounts is at the following link:

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This post will be updated as more information comes to light and other accounts are darkened by the corrupt establishment powers that be.

Link to Twitter search term "Facebook Purge" posts as they come in.....

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