Why is Betsy DeVos, Trump's pick for education secretary, so unpopular?

labour unions, rights groups and teaching organisations spoke out against her appointment...

Much of the controversy around Mrs DeVos focuses on her support of charter schools, which are publicly funded and set up by teachers, parents, or community groups, outside the state school system...

DeVos was only confirmed at all because Democrats changed the Senate rules in 2013, requiring just 51 votes to confirm executive branch nominees and reducing the incentive to pick candidates who would get broad, bipartisan support...

Intense reaction as Devos sworn in...

Aaaawwww.... To DeVos, the vice president said, “When I cast my first vote in the United States Senate I wasn’t just voting for you … I was also casting a vote for America’s children.”

“The level of energy is palpable. We are going to watch what Betsy DeVos does. And we are going to hold her accountable for the actions and decisions she makes on behalf of the more than 50 million students in our nation’s public schools...”

“Millions of families share Secretary DeVos’s vision for disrupting a failed status quo that has denied too many children access to a quality education...”

In other news... Big Tits Goon-Zilla Strips Naked In Front Of Trump Tower...

Honest Trump says "What you think our country is so innocent???"

Sean Spicer can take a joke...

Globalism is Just Anti-Democratic Postnationalism...

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