Sandy Hook is Being Re-visited - Who thinks this was a Hoax??!!

The story of Sandy Hook sure does have its plethora of holes. From the behavior of the parents to the events that unfolded the day before and the day of. How many of you believe that the events that unfolded were actually true? I want to hear some feedback in the comments along with sources to back up your claims.

My Opinion of Sandy Hook Shooting

In my opinion, the events that unfolded at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is a complete farce. I believe that it was a drill put on by FEMA. A few reasons I believe this is because of the sign that said "Everybody Must Sign In" and also because of the behavior that came from the medical examiner and a statement in which he said "I hope that this doesn't come crash on the town of Newtown's heads later."

So, what do you all think??? It has been about five years now since the supposed shooting and a lot of information and evidence has surface. It is nice to see that there are still people out there who care about this and want to expose the truth. My sources are down at the bottom. Hoping to hear from you all soon!
This Video Helped Others Come to Conclusions about Sandy Hook:

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