10 tips to care for the oceans


1.- Think about your carbon footprint and reduce your energy consumption:

Reduce the effects of climate change on the oceans by leaving your car at home whenever you can, also being aware of your energy use at home or at work. Some tips: Change your bulbs for thrifty, take the stairs and not the elevators.

2.- Take safe and sustainable decisions regarding seafood:

Global fish populations have been reduced due to demand, loss of habitat and unsustainable fishing practices. When you buy or consume, it helps reduce the demand for overexploited species by deciding for food that is healthy and sustainable.

3.- Use less plastic products:

Plastics that end up as garbage in the oceans contribute to the destruction of the habitat, in addition to trapping and killing thousands of marine animals per year. To limit your impact, bring reusable water bottles with you, store your food in non-disposable containers, carry your own cloth bag or other material when you go shopping and recycle whenever possible.

4.- Help to take care of the beaches:

Whenever you enjoy swimming, surfing or simply relaxing on the beach, always clean your waste. Explore and appreciate the ocean without interfering with wildlife and never remove rocks or corals. Go even further by encouraging others to respect the marine environment or by participating in local beach cleanings.

5.- Do not buy products that exploit marine life:

Some products contribute to the damage suffered by fragile coral reefs and marine populations. Never buy objects such as coral jewelry, any items from turtles, or shark products.

6.- Be a pet owner that helps the ocean:

Always read labels on your pet's food and consider marine sustainability when choosing a diet. Never throw cat litter down the toilet, it may contain pathogens harmful to marine life. Avoid filling your aquarium with saltwater fish, and never release aquarium fish into the ocean or other bodies of water since you can introduce non-native species that can be harmful to the local ecosystem.

7.- Support groups or organizations that protect the oceans:

Many institutes and organizations are fighting to protect ocean habitat and wild marine life. Find a national organization and consider giving financial support or doing volunteer work.

8.- Encourage change in your community:

Consider helping restaurants or businesses that promote the consumption of sustainable seafood and always express your concern when you see threatened species on the menu.

9.- Travel responsibly for the oceans:

Practice sailing, kayaking and other water activities in a responsible manner. Never throw things to the sea and try to be always aware of marine species that may be near you. If you plan a cruise, always research the most environmentally friendly options.

10.- Educate yourself about oceans and marine life:

All life on earth is connected to the ocean and its inhabitants. The more you learn about the problems facing this vital system, the more you want to ensure your well-being. Then, share that knowledge to inspire others.

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