Why Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Was Unmitigated Genius


Historians will look back on Trump’s pick of Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court and declare it to be one of the most brilliant, powerful, and decisive political moves of his entire presidency—oh, and Kavanaugh will probably not be confirmed.

Yes, this is quite an audacious claim, especially in light of the fact that we will likely have another 6+ years of brilliant moves from Trump. I stand by it, however, because it is that incredibly genius. Let’s take a closer look at this ‘4D chess’ move.

As I said, Kavanaugh will probably NOT be confirmed. He was not chosen to be confirmed. Trump would much rather wait until after the Red Wave gives him more power, to then make an even more seismic and lasting choice for the Court. In the mean time, however, he can play his favorite game of ‘dope on the ropes.’

Trump will allow the Democrats to punch themselves out, and squander what little political capital and credibility they have left—giving them a Pyrrhic victory. They may succeed in blocking Kavanaugh, only to lose the midterms spectacularly. Then, when Trump has even more power to select a relatively young, conservative defender of the constitution, and probably a woman, the liberals will go totally apeshit.

As shrewd and masterful as this move already is, we haven’t even got to the best part. The most brilliant part of Trump’s strategy, and why it can genuinely be called a 4D chess move, has to do with finally shining light on 9/11, and the criminal deep state, by forcing Congress and the press to look critically at the 2001 Bush White House, where Kavanaugh was Bush's Senior Associate Counsel.

A recent Fox News interview featured a 9/11 victim’s widow criticizing Mueller for covering up aspects of 9/11, in his capacity as the head of the FBI at the time. This was foreshadowing of what is to come.

Trump has already allowed Mueller plenty of time to discredit and exhaust himself. It is coming time for Trump to stop playing dope, and step from the ropes, take the gloves off, and hit back so hard they won’t even know what hit them. That’s what he actually just did. They just don’t know it yet.

Kavanaugh’s 9/11 history, Mueller’s 9/11 history, the Red Wave, and the Great Awakening are ALL coming together into a concrescent crescendo just in time for the 17th anniversary of 9/11.

The stage is being set for the hammer to drop. The pile of sealed indictments are now over 40K, and continue to grow by 5K+ every month. At this pace, they will number over 50,000 by September. What we are looking at now is simply preparation of public sentiment for when that hammer does finally drop.

Trump said on Twitter, then again repeated the sentiment in his speech announcing Kavanaugh: ‘I have long heard that the most important decision a U.S. President can make is the selection of a Supreme Court Justice.’ This was the bait he dangled for the Fake News, DNC, deep state swamp.

The bait has two components:
1.) ‘I have long heard’ —This appeals, reminds, and reinforces the gaslit delusion that Trump is stupid, inexperienced, and looks for outside validation. He is gaslighting them.

2.) ‘...that the most important decision a U.S. President can make is the selection of a Supreme Court Justice’ —This is the matador’s red ‘muleta.’ By appearing to attach his ego to this nomination, Trump has created the most irresistible target for the liberal media to attack. They won't be able to resist. By pretending it is important to him, he has effectively made it incredibly important to them.

Masterful baiting of the enemy. They will reliably go all-in on attacking Kavanaugh, and end up digging up dirt on the deep state cabal, in the process. This is what happened with Mueller, too. They are so intent to attack Trump that they end up proving their own guilt.

This time around the whipping post, however, is different. Official 9/11 Disclosure is the political event of a lifetime. It will only happen once. This is the third rail that the Democrats are about to blindly throw themselves on, in the flailing convulsions of their Trump derangement disorder.

Let's look at the Big Picture context:

— 9/11 Disclosure
— 40K+ Sealed Indictments
— The Red Wave
— The Financial Reset
— The Great Awakening

Kavanaugh is an integral prelude within the great geopolitical symphony that is playing out during the latter half of 2018. He’s not so much a potential Justice, but rather a beam of weaponized Light. A beam that will play Democrats like a laser plays a cat—more like a bull in a china shop of delicate criminal deception we call the deep state. They can’t help but destroy themselves.

When you look at this whole big picture, and how it all fits together in full 4 dimensional strategic brilliance, it is hard not to laugh. It is, after all, an absurdist comedy. Ah, what sweet Apocalyptic schadenfreude.

Oh, I almost forgot. Brett Kavanaugh also happens to have been the one who lead the investigation into the 'suicide' of Clinton aide Vince Foster. Are you beginning to see how fun this is going to be? Enjoy the show!

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