HPD Rolling Out New Plan To Give Tickets


Buses.They're Going To Use Buses

We've all had this happen,
you're driving just a tad bit over the speed limit when suddenly out of nowhere a cop comes from behind a wall and pulls you over.


No matter how they get ya whether they are hiding behind a wall, curves in the road, U Turn lanes , or even waiting at a freeway exit, 9 times out of 10 you will be issued a ticket.

But now here in the city of Houston the police are taking it even further …..pulling you over with public transportation.

Yes, you read it correctly the houston police are using buses to combat “reckless driving”.


In an article by ABC13 they interviewed the Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo stating:

"People will say, 'Is this about revenue'?
And I'll say, no. When you lose almost 200 Houstonians every year to preventable crashes, there's no excuse for that," Acevedo said.

Don't get me wrong there are plenty of people in this city that drive like maniacs and we do have plenty of accidents, but we already have enough speed traps as it is.

I feel as well that this will be abused, just like how they abuse the speed traps already implemented

(especially during the end of the month)

So we will just have to wait and see if the roads will be a little bit safer for the people of Houston or this will just be another system in which the police department can take advantage of.

Until next time get schwifty,




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