The Watcher. Get Rich or Die Tryin.

Brudder J don’t play
The Watcher
September 12th 2017
So I went ahead and did the steps that are talked about in my most recent post on the 10th of September 2017 .
I was discussing how you can start building a business online to make passive income. Later on we'll discuss how to expand that passive income vehicle into multiple streams of income. okay so need to think about this.
Let's say that you have a website or YouTube channel or Facebook Channel and let's say that out of the 7 billion people on this Earth you can get a thousand of those people to regularly spend $100 on a product or service that you're recommending . That's a thousand people times $100 a year…
well isn't that $100,000/year..?
Would you like to make $100,000 a year?
Would you like to skip the commute to a job or listen to bullshit from your boss or have to get up at a set time every day.?
Wouldn't it be great to make money while you sleep? instead of while you're throwing your life away at a low-paid job that shows you no appreciation and no rewards and can fire you at the drop of a hat for no other reason than office politics.
Well, if you agree with what I've said so far in this post then let's continue from where we left off on September 10th 2017.
I showed you how to set up a free website. Now if you did that then there's some pros and cons to a free website. first of all I didn't tell you every single detail of how to do it. I only gave you a road map on a way to go to get it done. I left some research up to you and if you're smart you did the research.
So at you can get a free domain name that's good for one year but in order for it to be free it won't be a .com or. Net cuz you have to pay for those. .com and .net are most popular in the United States but you can also get a .tK or .sr or whole slew of other adjuncts URL that are just as good in other nations in the world. .com and .net are most popular in the US .
So if you went to 0 0 0 freewebhost. com you can get your free web hosting for one year but you would have to set that website up with whatever URL you selected from
okay so the point in that is that you got a place to develop your ideas… that's the main thing. However, you can make a lot of money with those web sites And the cost you absolutely nothing.

Today we're going to discuss expanding the idea and I'm going to tell you how to set up a more traditional website on a low budget. Not because you don't have the money but because spending your money on overhead it's not smart as a business person.
Okay , so what I recommend you do now that you're ready to set up your .com or .net is to go to and when you there you'll be able to get a domain name and web hosting with the WordPress for about $13 and your website will be good for 6 months but you don't domain name will be good for one year.
Once you get your domain name and you pay for your web hosting for 6 months or a year go ahead on to Wordpress… unless you're really good with xhtml. I recommend WordPress cuz you can get an equally good website and about a third of the time. Go through all of the options on WordPress and set it all up and don't worry about any of the options in there too terribly because WordPress is very malleable. you can change just about anything in WordPress that you want to change without any great effort.
Once you got your webpage laid out and looking somewhat how you like it the next thing you do is you come on over here to steamit or wherever you do your regular blogs and you're simply going to cut and paste your blog posts, two or three of them, to your WordPress website.
Now your WordPress website (depending on the format you pick) could be anywhere from two pages to 6 pages. If you're going to be selling things like downloads, then go ahead and get the five of the six page layout so that you can have an about us page, Blog Page, static front page, and look really corporate and professional. if you want to just do a two Page blog post you have that option too.
In either case we'll be following that up with multiple streams of income and for that we shall begin working on it in a couple of days.
Truth is I'm really tired… I've been working really hard both mentally and physically so I probably won't post tomorrow but when I post again I'll discuss with you how to start setting up multiple streams of income from your website
Okay guys, so that's pretty much it for today. Go ahead and go on over to GoDaddy (and by the way I'm not getting commissions to send you the GoDaddy it's just at the cheapest web host out there I was able to find so go to GoDaddy) and set up your WordPress website and we'll discuss multiple streams of income on that website in a day or two
In the meantime and in between time, I hope what I'm offering is useful to some of y'all …
I hope you pu pursue a life of self sustained income. I'll get you the roadmap but I'm not going to drive the car for you if you want to do the things I'm suggesting you're going to have to do a little research for yourself you're going to have to work a little bit but I promise that if you do the research and you do the work you will work things out for yourself and then we can all live good so. If you find anything that I've offered in this post usefull, worthwhile or thought-provoking Please like , Subscribe, rate, throw me a little steam coin, thumbs-up…
you know the the whole nine yards…. All is appreciated.
This is Brudder J
~The Watcher~
signing off for now.
Peace and blessings to one and all
Peace love and soul. Get that gold.
One Love.

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