Some Details Emerge from the Florida School Shooting - by @voiceofreason

To add to what was reported yesterday, it looks like some possible motives are emerging in the Florida Parkland High School shooting.

It is looking like 17 people have died and it was at the hands of a single gunman.

I will not mention his name here because he doesn't deserve any more recognition than a piece of dirt blowing in the wind.

Instead I would like to show a picture of this man:


He was the assistant football coach at the school who was said to have shielded students from the line of fire using his own body as a shield.

He was gunned down but he saved several lives in the process.

He is a true hero.

Some of the gunman's motivation seems to be stemming from a prior relationship with a girl?

Several months prior, the gunman had been attending that same Parkland High School.

He had been kicked out for what was said to be "disciplinary reasons".

Those reasons are now unfolding as having to do with an ex-girlfriend.

It wasn't clear what caused the initial breakup, but he had been stalking his ex-girlfriend ever since according to classmates.

It got so bad that school athorities had been notified of his behavior.

He even ended up confronting and getting into a fight with his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend.

That was the final straw that got him kicked out of school.

Everyone goes through bad breakups, but this apparently turned into something else.

Along with that, there were other possible early warning signs.

According to classmates and teachers there were several warning signs from this guy, warning signs other than being an obsessed and scorned lover.

He had claimed openly that he would be a "professional school shooter" on a youtube post.

He had openly talked about owning and shooting lots of different guns.

Even going as far as posting pictures of them on his social media accounts.

His mood and temperment had changed drastically after his adoptive mother died several months prior due to pnemonia.

All in all, it is very easy to see the warning signs AFTER they happen. It's much harder to see them as they are happening.

For those reasons I don't place anyone at fault in this situation, besides the shooter himself.

He will have to live with his actions, and possibly not very long as Florida does have the death penalty.
My prayers and thoughts go out to all the families that are dealing with the loss of loved ones. I can't imagine the pain and hurt that this one person's actions are causing for countless numbers of people.

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