A Message For Humanity - We are Better Than This

I would like to take this time now to try and reach as many as you as I can. Not because I am looking to be some savior or martyr; or because I think I know too much or have all the answers. No, I want to reach out to all of you because I feel that as a father and an inhabitant of this planet its my duty to at least try. For those that follow me you know I take a strong stance on corruption and the despotic direction the world is taking. But I feel the risks are far greater.

The issues that face mankind today are not a black or white issue. They aren't a gay or straight matter. It doesn't revolve around Catholics or Christians; Muslims or Jews. The problems don't care if you are an American or a Russian. The problems that we are faced with are a species issue; the human race. Daily I look at the world around me and can't believe the direction in which we have allowed ourselves to be led; the way we treat not only ourselves but the place we call home as well. Its no wonder really, when one takes a look at the horrible things we do to one another to see that it is but a mere reflection of what we do to our planet.

We are at the precipice of a defining moment in our history where we have a choice that will either lead us into our next level of consciousness or to total destruction.

For centuries man has engaged in mindless, unnecessary and barbaric wars over a multitude of issues; land, resources, pride, control and self defense - none of which left any real winners.

Why? Why is that we feel that for every problem we encounter violence is the only answer? How is that here in America so many of us can turn a blind eye to the atrocities that are carried out almost daily? Why do you fall for the lie being fed to you that our freedoms are being protected by killing millions of innocent men, women and especially children? Hiding behind some flag because it makes you feel better at night!

War is the ultimate means to divide us in every facet of our existence and its frightening just how successful these sycophants have been.

Every day parents lose their children, children are orphaned and families forever torn because man still believes that to solve a matter, to resolve disagreements firing missiles and dropping bombs is the only answer.

And the only thing that is ever accomplished is more loss of life. Innocent life. But we have glorified war. We have accepted it as normal: conditioned to the brutality of it so that we do not even think twice about it now. It fills our movie theaters, controlled for fun in our video games and applauded by the masses when your flag is victorious. But answer me this; what have you won? What has been accomplished? Are you any more safe because thousands of children lay dead in the rubble?

Man was never designed to kill. And yet the more we do it the less human we become and that, my friends should frighten all of you!

**What passing-bells for those who die like cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells,
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,-
The shrill demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling them from sad shires.

What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.** ~Wilfred Owen

There are only losers in war

But like I said...While we are constantly being divided the real crimes against humanity are being carried out. In America and everywhere else in the world. Nobody cares!

We must do better.

Another problem that we are faced with is the very planet we live on. We treat it like absolute shit as if we can just hop on a spaceship and fly off to a new one; and while I fully believe that the technology is available it ain't for us! Do me a favor, please - look at your children...or your loved ones and truly ask yourself if you are doing your part? It is our responsibility to leave this place in better shape than when we found it and we are fucking up royally! Our waters are nearly all undrinkable, skies filled with pollutants, soils are losing their nutrients because we allow big companies to spray toxic chemicals all over our food, we drill and drill as if there aren't other forms of energy we could be utilizing and our forest are being cut down at an alarming rate.

We pretend that nothing is wrong, or believe that someone else will clean up the mess for us but the sad reality is that if we do not get up off our asses and collectively put the effort in the damages may one day be irreparable.

When you leave this plane of existence you cannot take your $100K car. All the money you've accumulated..

There are 7 billion of us and yet we have yet to drop our differences, our petty "rat races" or our own self interest to actually come together as one unified species. Can you imagine the feats that we can accomplish? The miracles we can achieve and the places we can go? Einstein once said that the definition of crazy was continually doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results!

We owe to our children and their children to take a stand. To stop allowing these corrupt governments dictate our lives and oppress us leaving us feeling as if we do not have say in how we live on this planet. A planet that truly has enough for all of us if we just stopped our over consumption. We can have a balance with nature, for we are all connected to this great big place we call home and we MUST do a better job of taking care of her. It starts now. It has to start now for it can no longer be kicked down the road like some nonsensical "debt ceiling" debate!

Together we can right the wrongs of decades worth of neglect. Surely it is important to so many of us. Our lives. Our goals should be this one thing. Not what your favorite celebrity ate for dinner. There are ways to move away from this destructive form of living that only sees us chasing after paper money for shit we do not need.....

Build your own home....

Cobb has been used for centuries and is 100% sustainable, affordable and lasts for hundreds of years with regular upkeep.

Grow your own garden with organic/heirloom seeds

Growing your own food is not only rewarding and fulfilling but good for you and the environment. Start a network within your community, especially if you live in areas where you can raise chickens. Start a barter and trade system among yourselves. We thrived as a species like that. We should have never left it.

Make your own gas for cooking.

This is not only simple and cheap to make but is great for the environment as the digester takes all animal and food waste and turns into methane gas. The bigger the tank, the more gas can be stored.

Look. I am not hear to tell any of you how to live your lives. I can only do my best to wake people up to the real issues that face humanity and whether you all find me to be crazy or not is irrelevant. One day we will have to atone for the way we have not only treated one another but our planet and its other occupants as well. We are so much better than this and its time we started proving it.

Isn't she just absolutely beautiful!!

Please...Let us not be the generation that destroys everything!!

Please share this. Please comment on this so we can start a dialogue. So that we can form new ideas and ways that we can make a big difference. Lets get this to as many people as possible. It doesn't matter your views, your race or your religion for we are ALL brothers and sisters and we must right the wrongs. Thats all I ask

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