
UK COLUMN NEWS YouTube Published 30th May 2017.

UK Column News Studio guest today is geopolitical analyst investigative journalist the founder of the 21st Century Wire Patric Henningsen and live by Skype Via Syria is Independent peoples investigative journalist Venessa Beeley both bringing eyes view and minds eye to the Columns table and discussing the hot potato topics aired today such as Reduced threat level, Alternative media targeted but not ISIS and their affiliated media,
Humour bots needed, The Fake Fake News crisis, Fake news affiliates to censor news, Mainstream twisted news allowed, Philippines massacre reminder, Isis in the Philippines, US/Iraqi weapons in the hands of Isis, Fostered Philippines hybrid war, Philippines links with China and strategic positioning, Narco-dollar trade route, Gold resource rich poor country, White & Green Helmets, Mainstream Media's lack of self-awareness, White Helmets - Executions, Military Complex stump up money winners, Iranian perceived threat, The Web Of War, France's two red-lines and the Bilderberg Group in Virginia.
'GOV.UK Speech 26th May 2017: PM statement at the G7 Summit in Sicily
Theresa May (prime minister): "Today, against the backdrop of Monday’s cowardly attack in Manchester, we have discussed what more we can do together to defeat global terror...
Make no mistake: the fight is moving from the battlefield to the internet.
In the UK we are already working with social media companies to halt the spread of extremist material and hateful propaganda that is warping young minds.
But I am clear that corporations can do more. Indeed, they have a social responsibility to now step up their efforts to remove harmful content from their networks.
Today, I called on [G7] leaders to do more...
We want companies to develop tools to identify and remove harmful material automatically...
And the G7 will put its weight behind the creation of an international industry-led forum where new technologies and tools can be developed and shared to help us deny terrorists their pernicious voice online. (link follows below) .'
'RT (Russia Today) 30th May 2017: West bears responsibility for chaos & terrorist attacks in MidEast and N. Africa – Lavrov (video embedded link follows) .'
'SUNSTAR 4th September 2016: Duterte reminds US of Bud Dajo massacre
PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte was referring to the killing of 600 Moro people by American soldiers in 1906 when he said Monday, September 5, that the United States has not even apologized to the Philippines for its atrocities during the turn of the century. (link follows) .'
'OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL (United States Department of Defence) Issue date 05/30/2016 - 05/30/2017: Audit Report 09-14-2016 Equipping and Training Iraq and Afghan Security Forces (link follows below) .'
'21st CENTURY WIRE 29th May 2017: PHILIPPINES: President Rodrigo Duterte – ‘There is not a Whimper When Powerful Nations Bomb Civilians’
“There’s not even a whimper” when powerful nations bomb civilians or “invent” WMDs to invade other countries, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte told RT, arguing that the West pretends to care about human rights only when it suits its agenda. (embedded video link follows) .'
'RAPPLER 17th January 2017: Filipino millennial joins ISIS in Syria
EXCLUSIVE: Classified documents obtained by Rappler identify the Filipino millennial who beheaded a Caucasian in an ISIS video released in June (link follows below) .'
'ANTI MEDIA 28th May 2017: Did You Know ISIS is Now in The Philippines? Here’s What You Aren’t Being Told
(ANTIMEDIA) — For uninformed members of the public, news that the Filipino government is currently battling an ISIS-linked insurgency may come as a total shock. (link follows below) .'
'CNN 30th May 2017: ISIS in Southeast Asia: Philippines battles growing threat
(CNN) - ISIS in Southeast Asia: Philippines battles growing threat.
At least 103 people have died in the city of Marawi on the southern island of Mindanao in less than a week as fighters affiliated with the so-called Islamic State engaged in violent clashes with government forces, and martial law was declared over the entire island. (link follows below)
'THE ASIAN POLICY 23rd May 2017: FP WestMinCon: Situation in Marawi has stabilized: Colonel Edgard A. Arevalo (public affairs office chief marine): "The situation in Marawihas stabilized. Security forces are in full control of the situation (link follows) .'
'INQUIRER.NET 26th May 2017: AFP chief says Maute Group acknowledged by Islamic State
Gen. Eduardo Año, chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), conceded on Friday that the Maute Group that they had been fighting had become part of the Islamic State, also called the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). (link follows below) .'
'RAPPLER 23rd July 2016: Duterte: No ISIS if Saddam, Gaddafi still alive
President Rodrigo Duterte says ISIS will not flourish in the Philippines as the situation in Mindanao is not the same as in the Middle East (embedded video link follows below) .'
'CONCEPT CENTRAL 19th May 2017: PNP releases latest ‘real numbers’ in anti-drug campaign
The Philippine National Police (PNP) has released its #RealNumbersPH weekly update indicating figures related to the campaign against illegal drug as of May 17, 2017.
#REALNUMBERS PH WEEKLY UPDATE The Anti-Drug Campaign In The Philippines from July 1, 2016 - May 23, 2017 (link follows below) .'

MEDIA ON TRIAL [Frome Stop War]
Patrick Henningsen  Vanessa Beeley
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'WELL TOLD Sharing Smart Storytelling Skills 27 & 28 May 2017, Central London
"There’s never been a conference like Well Told in the UK before - but the need for creative journalists to be on top of their storytelling skills has never been greater. (link follows below)  .'
'21ST CENTURY WIRE 19th May 2017: WHITE HELMETS: Blasphemous Whitewash of Their Execution Black Record
In a recent Singapore spin cycle article attempting to whitewash the blackened name of the NATO and Gulf-state-funded and Hollywood promoted White Helmets, James Le Mesurier, their UK ex-military trainer, likened the accusations of White Helmet operatives attending executions as ” Accusing the White Helmets of this act would be akin to accusing Joseph of Arimathea of crucifying Jesus.” (Full article link follows below)  .'
'CNN POLITICS 23rd May 2017: Sen. Rand Paul plans to force vote on $110 billion Saudi arms deal (link follows below)  .'
'THE NATIONAL INTEREST (The Buzz) 22nd May 2017: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon are the Big Winners in Saudi Arabia's Massive Military Buildup
Additional details are emerging about President Donald Trump’s $109.7 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia that was formally signed on May 20.  (link follows below)  .'
'21ST CENTURY WIRE 28th May 2017: Trump -Salaman Alliance - All Eyes On Yemen
Associate editor at 21st Century Wire, Vanessa Beeley and Director of Shafaqna, Catherine Shakdam, are interviewed by Andrew Korybko of Sputnik after Trump’s recent travels to Saudi Arabia. (embedded audio link follows below)  .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 30th May 2017: Resetting Relations?: Putin visits France
Emmanuel Marcon (france president): " "There are two reds lines here, We must be unwavering on the use of chemical weapons and on humanitarian access to civilians." (both methods of use in excuses for going to war).'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 30th May 2017: Mike Robinson interviews (recorded) Mark Anderson (the truth hound) Of American Free Press On The Bilderberg Group Meeting.'
'21ST CENTURY WIRE  May 2017: Bilderberg, the Movie to Debut in North America May 24Prelude to Bilderberg 2017 Meeting in Virginia
NEW ORLEANS, La.Noted Bilderberg author-researcher Daniel Estulin has produced a first-ever documentary about the secretive Bilderberg group that will be screened for the first time in North America on Wednesday, May 24 at the Prytania Theater in New Orleans, Louisiana. (link follows below)  .'

All this with much more and in-depth News Reports, Analysis from your Non-plastic real deep thinking human Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen along with Skype guest who altogether are shining the light of Truth & Exposure into the darkness of War, Criminality, Paedophilia, Murder, State Child Snatching, Treason, Whistleblowers and dealing with the over exposed mainstream media's untruths, twists and their Obfuscations. Do you want to get into the real know? if so then just click below. Blackhole Bridger.
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