
UK COLUMN NEWS YouTube Published 12th September 2017.

UK Column News Live by Skype guest today is David Ellis of Strategic Defence Initiatives bringing the UK's quick marching military machinations into the EU Military Unification that uneasily complement's the hot topics and affairs aired today such as Britain's continued Defence Unification with the EU, Deep security partnerships, New EU Partnership beyond bilateral arrangements, Government now confirmed New EU Partnership, No election issue ever, No Manifesto issue, Military Unification done in secret - kept under the table, Loss of military capabilities to bilateral and now trilateral agreements - now new military unification agreements, NO Parliamentary oversight or debate, Hobbled UK Parliament on EU Military Unification, EU shotgun military unification wedding, Non-comparable UK ever event, Newly constituted Defence Select Committee, Blinkered Defence Committee oversight, MP's kept in the dark over EU Military Unification, Blow to Jihadists - Syria's survival, Britain betray's Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda Allies vacuum filler?, Joint Strategic exercise Zapad 2017, Russian war game - fear, 'New Cold War' - fear monger's, Rapid Trident exercise 2017 - peacekeeping and stability operation - (hysteria), Oxymoron Threats on Diplomacy - M. Rycroft, #C40Talks, Climate talks selected press only?, London could get £50 million armed police base, The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime London (DMPC), Bell Pottinger fingerprints all over history, Fictitious Propaganda, Bell Pottinger to go into Administration, Bell Pottinger re-branding?, Creating Bogymen, MET calls for more guns to fight (manufactured) terrorism, Melanie Shaw Update, Sexually abused as a child by the establishment only to be revisited with lock up mental torture by the establishment as an adult and Come on Aileen - is this a wind up?.
'UK COLUMN NEWS 12th September 2017: EU Military Unification
Michael Fallon (secretary of state for war): "We're not making threats. We've made it clear since the Article 50 letter that this new partnership has to be in both economic and security cooperation and here are the details that we're proposing today to show the rest of Europe how this will work." (Eu military unification confirmation).'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 12th September 2017: Defence Select Committee
F35 Procurement - Newly constituted Defence Select Committee (blinkered oversight committee).'
'CONSORTIUMNEWS.COM 8th September 2017: Syria’s Survival Is Blow to Jihadists
Despite last-ditch efforts by Israel and its allies to salvage the “regime change” project in Syria, the looming defeat of the Western-backed jihadists marks a turning point in the modern Middle East, says ex-British diplomat Alastair Crooke. (link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 12th September 2017: Joint Strategic Exercise ZAPAD 2017 - Starts 14th September 2017
Jens Stoltenberg (nato secretary general): "Every nation has the right to exercise its forces as long as it's done within the agreed international obligations. We would welcome an invitation to observe the ZAPAD exercise." (just another exercise - stop the fearmongering).'
'THE WASHINGTON POST (europe) 10th September 2017: Fear and confidence in the face of Russian war games
Riga, Latvia — Russia is readying this week for war games that Western security officials see as a muscular display of firepower along NATO’s most vulnerable region. (link follows below) .'
'NEWS.COM.AU (world) 12th September 2017: Russian word games over military exercise rattles Eastern Europe
RUSSIAN troops, backed by masses of tanks and aircraft, are about to go to war. The Kremlin claims it is defending itself. (video embedded link follows below) .'
'JANE'S 360 (country risk) 7th September 2017: Russia to use "Zapad-2017" exercise to intimidate its neighbours but permanent military basing in Belarus unlikely
On 5 September 2017, Russian Defence Minister Andrey Raukou dismissed international media reports criticising the planned Zapad-2017 (West-2017) Russo-Belarusian military exercise, for which he claimed exercise planning had begun in 2009. (link follows) .'
'DEFENSE NEWS 11th September 2017: On edge: 'New Cold War' tensions high in Eastern Europe
Russia is preparing to kick off its wargame exercises – just as east-west relations are at their most strained since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Zapad, held Sept. 14-20, comes almost three decades since the fall of the Berlin Wall. They also come shortly after the U.S. imposed new sanctions over Moscow’s alleged interference in its presidential election. And Russia’s flexing of its military might is not confined to Zapad (which means “west”): Moscow has been strengthening its presence in the region for some time, spurring a tit-for-tat that is rapidly accelerating tensions. (link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 12th September 2017: Michael Fallon (secretary of state for war): "This [zapad 2017] is designed to provoke us, it's designed to test our defenses, and that's why we have to be strong."
Jens Stoltenberg (nato secretary general): "We have seen before that Russia has used big military exercises as a disguise or a precursor for aggressive military actions against their neighbours..." (hypocrite nato exercises on Russia's border first).'
'CNN POLITICS 11th September 2017: US troops take part in Ukrainian military exercise before Russian war game RAPID TRIDENT 2017(exercise)
The annual exercise focuses on peacekeeping and stability operations and helps promote interoperability among the partner militaries of Ukraine and the United States as well as its NATO allies, according to US Army Europe. It also serves to validate aspects of the Ukraine's military training program. (link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 12th September 2017: North Korea Sanctions: Unanimous vote including China and Russia
Matthew Rycroft (uk permanent representative to unsc): "We have made it clear we will not stand idly by in the face of such aggression."
"There is a way out. Diplomacy can end this crisis, but first North Korea must change its reckless course. (preconditions)."
"Make no mistake, e are tightening the screw and we stand ready to tighten it further." (preconditions now followed with threats, what make you think he does not want diplomacy to work?).
Boris Johnson (foreign secretary): "It is their continued, illegal and aggressive actions that have brought us to this point, and it is North Korea that must change its course." (is it not just funny how everybody else apart from the UK that's aggressive).'
'CITIES C40 Events: C40Talks: How Mayors Are Getting the Job Done - September 18 2017: #C40 Talks New York City
The first edition of a new C40 event series, C40 Talks: How Mayors Are Getting the Job Done, will take place at the New York Times Building conference center on Monday, September 18th, kicking off Climate Week NYC 2017. (link follows below) .'
'THE GUARDIAN 11th September 2017: London could get £50m armed police base to tackle terrorism
A new £50m base for armed police officers in London is one of a series of measures being proposed to protect the public from terrorist attacks.
The base, planned for Limehouse in the east of the capital, would house at least 200 officers and contain a firing range, weapons storage and other facilities, it is understood.
Details of the plans, which have been submitted by the Metropolitan police to the mayor’s office for police and crime (Mopac) (no debate yet again in parliament - why not? - link follows) .'
'MAYOR OF LONDON (london assembly) No Publish date found September 2017: The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime
The role of DMPC
Outside of powers to issue a Police and Crime Plan, and to appoint and remove senior Met officers, the role of Deputy Mayor for Policing & Crime (DMPC) in London is similar to that of an elected Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elsewhere. Although not directly elected, once the Mayor as occupant of MOPAC delegates his authority, the DMPC has all other powers and duties of a PCC.
The DMPC leads MOPAC and is accountable to the Mayor for:
• the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan
• for ensuring oversight of the police
• driving effective criminal justice and crime reduction services across London
The DMPC works with a range of agencies and service providers to improve services in our city, and with one important exception – the national Strategic Policing Requirement – the DMPC does not answer to Whitehall, but to Londoners. She has a duty to consult with local people in setting her objectives.
In London, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police answers to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, with a separate reporting line to the Home Secretary on national matters. She must at all times retain the confidence of both the Mayor (and DMPC) and the Home Secretary.
Sophie has also worked in the voluntary sector as a campaigns and policy manager campaigning to end child poverty, and in the private sector as a Director of Public Affairs.
Director BPPA 2006 - 2008 (2 years) part time, Bell Pottinger Public Affairs (link follows) .'
'BELL POTTINGER No Publish date found September 2017: Bell Pottinger is a leading integrated, international reputation management agency
We help shape our clients' reputations, engage with diverse stakeholders across multiple channels, tell effective stories and run creative campaigns to enhance their brand and deliver commercial success.(link follows below) .'

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'THE GUARDIAN (media) 16th December 2006: Godfather of spin with his fingerprints all over history
Tim Bell's clients BAE and the Saudi royals have escaped a fraud investigation. Oliver Morgan examines the PR man's career of string-pulling
It is an axiom of modern public relations that when there is bad news about a client, it is always the result of a cock-up rather than a conspiracy. It's ironic, therefore, that one of PR's most successful practitioners of modern times, Lord Bell of Belgravia, is embroiled in perhaps the biggest conspiracy theory since the end of the Cold War.
Tim Bell is providing free advice to friends of Alexander Litvinenko, the late ex-KGB officer who was poisoned in London last month by the rare radioactive isotope polonium 210. (link follows below) .'
'THE TIMES 3rd October 2016: Thatcher's PR guru ran Iraq propaganda for Pentagon
Lord Bell, Margaret Thatcher’s PR guru, was hired by the United States to run a $540 million covert propaganda campaign after the invasion of Iraq. (link follows below) .'
'THE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM 5th September 2017: Bell Pottinger "Incited Racial Hatred" In South Africa
The controversial PR company Bell Pottinger has been expelled from the trade body which regulates the industry. Its investigation found that the company had launched a campaign which was "likely to inflame racial discord in South Africa" and that it had "brought the PR and communications industry into disrepute". Former Bell Pottinger boss Lord Bell told the BBC it was "almost certainly curtains" for the firm, which advises others on reputation management. (link follows below) .'
'BBC NEWS (business) 8th September 2017: PR firm Bell Pottinger 'nearing collapse'
Bell Pottinger's Asian unit has said it will separate from its British parent, amid reports the public relations firm is nearing collapse.
Bell Pottinger's UK business is expected to go into administration as early as next week, the firm said.
The Asian business will begin trading under a new name "in the coming days".
The PR firm was expelled from the industry trade body after being accused of stirring up racial hatred in South Africa. (link follows) .'
'MAIL ONLINE (business) 10th updated 12th September 2017: PR Company Bell Pottinger will go into administration tomorrow with 270 employees set to lose their jobs
PR company Bell Pottinger will go into administration tomorrow with 270 employees set to lose their jobs
• The company's crisis arose over claims it incited racial hatred in South Africa
• Former chief executive James Henderson was forced to resign over the scandal
• Co-founder Tim Bell is famed for his willingness to represent dictators
• His enemies accuse him of conniving in the downfall of his former company (link follows below) .'
'CITY A.M. 11th September 2017: Insiders are now expecting Bell Pottinger administration on Tuesday
Insiders at Bell Pottinger expect the disgaced PR firm to fall into administration on Tuesday following a nightmare week.
Staff were informed on Thursday last week that the firm was likely to collapse early this week, with administration expected as soon as Monday. This has not come to pass, but there is little hope among insiders firm will survive beyond the next couple of days, with BDO expected to be appointed as administrator. (link follows below) .'
'THE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM 2nd October 2016: Fake news and false flags
How the Pentagon paid a British PR firm $500 million for top secret Iraq propaganda (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 12th September 2017: A Question To Be Asked
As the MET (metropolitan police) calls for more guns to fight terrorism we ask was the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime Sophie Linden aware of the activities of her company Bell Pottinger in creating false terrorist propaganda? and if so is that same false propaganda being used as an excuse to say we have now got to have more armed police on our streets?.'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 12th September 2017: No We Haven't Forgotten Melanie Shaw Ms May: Melanie Shaw Update: Melanie Shaw speaks out about her abuse and that of many other children
Please write to Melanie Shaw at:
Melanie Shaw A4126DE, Eastwood Park, Falfield Park, Falfield Wotton under Edge, Gloucester. GL12 8DB.
Theresa May: "I hate child abuse".
Prime minister imprisons her.
Also please write with your concerns also to PM Theresa May PM, Home Secretary Amber Rudd MP and Local Nottingham MP's and more.'
'BBC NEWS (England) 1st November 2016: Prison governor wants longer sentences to help female inmates
The governor of a women's prison has called for longer jail sentences to help offenders who have been abused.
Suzy Dymond-White, governor of HMP Eastwood Park in Falfield, South Gloucestershire, has appealed for judges to hand down longer sentences.
She said it was "impossible" for inmates to be rehabilitated "in a few short weeks".
An estimated 50% of inmates at women's prisons have been victims of abuse. (link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 12th September 2017: Welcom To HMP Easdtwood Park And Suzy Dymond-White's Help For Abuse Victims
Melanie has spent nearly 12 months in solitary confinement and has now been moved tois WednesdayFalfield.
• Denied toiletries
• Escorted by 3 wardens (male and female) at all times including for showers and the toilet ...doors are kept open
• Denied books, therapies such as art, telephone calls, letters intercepted
• Refused opportunity to earn money to pay for small essentials and luxuries
• Branded as dangerous violent mentally ill imate
• Told each day is Wednesday and the time is 'ten to two'
Melanie is being held in what is supposedly a more open facility that has mental health facilities to assist prisoners, but actually the treatment there is now more sinister and brutal than when she was in a higher security prison, with a prison governor that thinks you help child and sexually abused victims by giving them a longer sentence - psychological torture (Melanie is being abused yet again at the hands of the establishment but now as an adult according to her correspondence) all this is under Theresa May's UK prisons for many abused and CSA (child sexually abuse) victims/survivors.'
'MAIL ONLINE 12th September 2017: Come on Aileen! Forecasters say first named storm of the year will hit Britain from TONIGHT amid fears heavy rain and 75mph gusts will spark travel chaos (link follows below) .'
All this with much more and in-depth News Reports, Analysis from your Non-plastic real deep thinking human presenters Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson and guest David Ellis who altogether are shining the light of Truth & Exposure into the darkness of War, Criminality, Sex abuse, Paedophilia, Murder, State Child Snatching, Treason, Whistleblowers, propaganda, skulduggery and dealing with the over exposed mainstream media's untruths, twists and their Obfuscations.
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