we like to share with community the difference between wallets

may you need to know the differences on the wallets to be safe and know the differences to keep your coins safe on the wallets

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Bitcoin wallets, purses or wallets, other cryptocurrencies and crypto-assets store the private keys that are needed to access the balances registered in a public address or key of the corresponding block chain and be able to spend them

sofftward wallet / pc and laptos /
Are a secure wallet but may you can lose your coins if you back up you pc o laptop and you don't have the back up keys of your wallet (or if some one hack you)
Cold wallet / differents wallets that are been made to keep yours coins off line and safe out of the red (usb wallets and many differents more that you can find on the web )

And may is a good idea to keep the coins in different exchanges, but always remember if you don't have the coins with your private keys the coins are not yours , so you can loss the coin if the website breakdown.
this is just a small helps for those


this is a small help for those that don't have much idea yet about crypto and how is working.

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