Is bad Feng Shui causing your money problems: Some Easy Remedies

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Is the Year of the Fire Rooster being kind to you?
Feng Shui means Wind and Water. A five- thousand year old practice developed in China. It's about balancing the energies.

A mathematical system to harmonize man-made environments and combine the birth information of the people in the environments. Understanding the basics can improve your; money, relationships, fertility, well-being and health.

The measurements used by true masters are so precise they can pick the day, even the hour to get married, open a business or buy a house. They use a compass called a Luo Pan.
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The few true Feng Shui Masters are training some students with information passed down for centuries, so it is possible to learn some authentic techniques.
Half the "Westernized" Feng Shui is a bunch of nonsense, saying put a fish bowl over here and a wind chime over there, without knowing the reason you might need "moving water" in one location or moving metal in another. Which is to provie balance.

When you walk into a Chinese restaurant they throw the kitchen sink at the entrance; Foo dogs, fish tanks dragons and metal toads-even many Chinese don't practice true Feng Shui.
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I studied Feng Shui from Master Sang and started years ago as a fun hobby, it combines math, geography, astronomy and a smidge of the unknown factors that make up our world.

Some houses, because of the -year built-, placement, direction and surroundings can be the root of; divorce, arguments, financial ruin and sickness.
Feng Shui Can't fix everything but can remedy some very bad luck.
That's where the elemental balancing comes in, to balance excess of one energy with another.

So here are some very basic tips to improve your environment, which could improve your life, your money and health.

  1. Clean and Clear your space
    Your environment is composed of 5 elements (Wu Xing): Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood

  2. If you are working around alot of electrical appliances, computers, power chords, these are considered "Fire" elements and can be reduced by "Water". This is where you'd add water elements. Earth elements help too, clay pieces, rocks.
    Earth and Water reduces Fire.
    If you have wifi everywhere, plants and crystals/rocks can help somewhat to reduce the microwaves in your airspace.

  3. If your work area is poorly lit, use the natural light light-bulbs, like the ones in fish tanks and bring in sunshine if possible, this is the Ying/Yang principal. Sleep in the dark, turn off devices.

  4. Clutter is bad because it stifles air flow, so clean your work area. Keep clutter-free and organized, change air filters and get a small air filter to clean the air and keep it moving, fix or remove broken items.

  5. Don't sit with your back to a door and don't have anything blocking the flow of an entrance to your office or front door(tables, plants etc..), Could block the flow of air and energy.

  6. Don't have sharp items or sharp edges pointing at you. This would be furniture corners, wall angles, these are called hidden daggers.

(It gets more complicated as you add more details like the position of your desk and the direction of your office and house.)
Next is combining your birth data with the home/office environment.
If you want to find out the best direction to sleep in, work in, improve health, bring in more money, comment with your birthday (if you don't want to put exact in, put the day within one or two days of exact or don't--- no one will know, but month and year is the most important )! Also Southern/Northern hemisphere . Good Dragon Luck, Good Fortune and Good Feng Shui!!!

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