New Horizons In Space Exploration

"After decades in decline, space exploration appears to be on the cusp of revitalization. New possibilities are being forecast on the horizon.
-Excerpt From 'New Frontier' (2017)

In honor of the eclipse today, I wanted to bring up the new space race and ask for some participation from you in when you think certain events may take place! Elon Musk seems to think that we'll be landing a human on Mars within 20 years and we will eventually go on to colonize it. He thinks we can terraform it and he is helping to reshape the economic landscape for Space Exploration. His and his teams' ideas on the modularization of components of rockets and space exploration is making us realize that exploration into space can be far more economically efficient than it has been in the past. The man thinks about component reuse the same way an object-oriented programmer considers code reuse and this can be amazing for a financial bottom line that wants to emphasize cost-effectiveness.

I'd love to see human beings reach Mars, colonize it, and begin our journey across this galaxy and the next. I think that, at the same time, we will see commercial space flights for tourists becoming available. Richard Bransen promised this a decade or so ago and, unfortunately, we haven't really seen it yet, but I think it is coming and it will definitely come before we go to Mars. If we can make space travel exponentially less costly and we can get more and more people onboard with the possibilities, we will soon be entering a new era in space travel, where more and more will experience space.

....That being said, if flat earthers are right, no one will experience space travel to Mars, because it doesn't exist....

What are your thoughts!? When do you think we'll visit Mars (if ever)? When will there be commercial spaceflights? Let me know below and thanks for reading!


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