"Get Ready Russia Because They [Missiles] Will Be Coming, Nice, And New And Smart" -President Trump

President Trump Tweeted this, this morning which is one of the most direct threats the President has ever made against the Russia. Trump also Tweeted that US - Russia relations are the worst they have ever been including during the time of the cold war.


For those who have not been following Trump upped his rhetoric towards Russia in response to the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria.

Russia responded by saying that it will shoot down any missiles sent to Syria.

This is quite terrifying in my opinion, as I am too young to have lived through the cold war I never remember a time where two superpowers have been seemingly this close to direct conflict. Having said that I was very disappointed with President Obama for not backing up his "red line" a few years back and acting on Assad the first time he launched chemical weapons against his own people.

For anyone who has seen the videos of the aftermath of the chemical weapons attack they are brutal and horrifying. And though I don't have all the answers there must be a response to what transpired there last week.

Would love to hear others' thoughts is Trump right to go into Syria? Will Russia act heavily in response?

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