Hollywood Actor Kevin Spacey Accused Of Raping A 14 Year Old Actor; Media Downplays Allegations

The mainstream media has just done a deplorable act, that should raise many eyebrows. On Sunday night it was revealed that Actor Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted Anthony Rapp, the MSM then proceeded to downplay the allegations by saying Spacey apologized for his assault and that he was gay.

A truly disgusting display of media spin headlines all over read "Kevin Spacey comes out as gay apologizes for the rape of 14-year-old victim," or some form of conjecture.

Reuters published this article that put a major focus on Spacey’s sexuality over the allegation made by Rapp.

That headline read: "Actor Kevin Spacey declares he lives life as a gay man."

After years of refusing to address rumors about his sexuality, Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey said on Sunday he has chosen to live his life as a gay man,” Chris Michaud wrote.

The article failed to mention the allegations by Rapp until the third paragraph. The story has since been edited.

While the New York Daily News originally ran a similar headline: "Kevin Spacey announced Sunday night that he will live as a gay man."

The NY Daily News later changed its headline to include Rapp’s accusation.

Even ABC News faced backlash and was forced to change its headline to include the allegation after it focused on his “emotional” tweet regarding his sexuality, Mediaite reported.

The only outlet who may have gotten it right was People Magazine who led its headline with Spacey coming out while also including the allegation in the most accurate.

"Kevin Spacey Comes Out as Gay After Anthony Rapp Alleges the Actor Made Sexual Advances Toward Him at 14," the headline reads.In an interview with Buzzfeed, Rapp said Spacey picked him up, put him on his bed and "was trying to get with me sexually" in 1986. Spacey would have been 26 at the time."

He picked me up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold. But I don't, like, squirm away initially, because I'm like, 'What's going on?' And then he lays down on top of me," Rapp told Buzzfeed.

"He was trying to seduce me," Rapp told the website. "I don't know if I would have used that language. But I was aware that he was trying to get with me sexually." He said he felt Spacey "pressing into me" and "tightening his arms."

Rapp told Buzzfeed that he had previously disclosed details of the confrontation in 2001 in an interview with the Advocate, but he did not name Spacey on the record at that time.

The Advocate's executive editor at the time, Bruce Steele, told Buzzfeed that Rapp had been talking about Spacey when he made his anonymous allegations.The media's conflation of sexual orientation and child rape spurred many on Twitter to point out the attempted spin. While Spacey said that he must have been drunk at the time and didn't remember it several users on Twitter said that is no excuse.Ashlee Marie Preston, writer and activist tweeted: "I'm not interested in Kevin Spacey being gay. I'm curious as to why we're conflating sexuality w/ the molestation of a minor. Stay on topic."


"Nope to Kevin Spacey's statement. Nope," tweeted Dan Savage. "There's no amount of drunk or closeted that excuses or explains away assaulting a 14-year-old child."


"The New York Daily News too? Add them to AP, Reuters, ABC News. Awful," Yahar Ali tweeted.


In response to the allegations, Spacey tweeted that he was "beyond horrified to hear Rapp's story."Spacey tweeted: "I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago.

"But if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years."


However, Spacey's apology is him shedding crocodile tears as there are way more allegations than just Anthony Rapp that have come out in the past. While the media wants to report that Spacey is gay and he is sorry for sexually assaulting Anthony Rapp there are other cases against the actor. Spacey was fingered as being on infamous mogul Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express on at least one occasion.

 "In 2002, as New York has reported, Clinton recruited Epstein to make his plane available for a week-long anti-poverty and anti-AIDS tour of Africa with Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, billionaire creep Ron Burkle, Clinton confidant Gayle Smith (who now serves on Barack Obama's National Security Council), and others. The logs from that trip show that Maxwell, Kellen, and a woman named Chauntae Davis joined the entourage for five days," Gawker wrote.

He was also mentioned in another Gawker article being spotted years ago partying with Bryan Singer and a group of boys by one source, a security guard who worked at the Chateau Marmon.Then there is the other more recent allegation by Award-winning Journalist, and Aspiring Filmmaker, Heather Unruh who tweeted that the Weinstein scandal has emboldened her to tell the truth about the actor earlier this month before the scandal broke.


[RELATED: History Of Elite Pedophilia In Hollywood PT 3]

I thought pedophilia was against the law? Apparently not for Hollywood who idolizes director Roman Polanski who was convicted of raping a 13-year-old girl Samantha Gailey and Woody Allen who was accused of raping his own daughter. Instead the media and Hollywood just give a free pass because it's an open secret that any of this type of behavior goes on. 


Kevin Spacey blocked me on Twitter after calling him out for his ties to Jeffrey Epstein and Bryan Singer.

For those that follow me I alluded that Kevin Spacey was a pedophile with a coded message tweet last Sunday these allegations have been floating around for quite sometime.


A third allegation against Kevin Spacey has been made by a woman named Nadine West, the Dailymail reported.


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