Cassandra Fairbanks Breaks Several New Leads In The Seth Rich Case

Journalist Cassandra Fairbanks has broken several new leads into the murder case of DNC Data Director Seth Rich including - two leaked audios one of which by Noble Prize winning journalist Seymore Hersh who pins Rich as Wikileaks source for the DNC leaked emails.

Leaked audio of private investigator Rod Wheeler explains what really happened with the Fox News coverage of Seth Rich and tells a tale of how Seth Rich's brother Aaron Rich tried to shutdown anyone who uttered the WikiLeaks connection.

On August 1st,  Wheeler filed a lawsuit in New York City alleging the White House was involved in pushing the Seth Rich story on Fox News. In the leaked recording he contradicts himself stating he contacted Fox News reporters on his own accord Big League Politics reported.

 “The story has already blown up, this will only give credence to the  story. If Fox News channel broke it, it would seem like conspiracy  theories,” Wheeler says the Fox 5 DC reporter texted him. “So she  decided that she was going to run with this story, in her mind, so it  didn’t seem like a conspiracy theory from Fox News," Cassandra Fairbanks wrote.

Wheeler went on to describe how Aaron Rich proceeded to stop his investigation at every turn.

He was blocked from looking into his - computer, cell phone and apparent second smartphone.

 “He said no, I have his computer,” Wheeler said. 

“I said, well can I  look at it?," Wheeler retorted.

"what are you looking for?," Rich argued.

"I said anything that could indicate if Seth was having problems with someone," Wheeler said. 

"no, I  already checked it. Don’t worry about it,” Rich responded.

Not only that but according to Wheeler, Rich's brother tried to divert his attention away from looking into the party that Seth Rich attended hours before his untimely death.

 “All I want you to do is work on the botched robbery theory and that’s  it,” Aaron told Wheeler, according to Wheeler’s claim on the leaked audio.  Wheeler stated that Seth’s father Joel “does not appear to have any hidden agenda.” 

Additionally, Fairbanks discovered Rich's brother works in Cyber Defense as a government contractor for  Northrup Grumman.

The leaked audio uploaded on Youtube under the title "More audio bits" is below:

That's not the only story that Fairbanks broke she also leaked an audio of Seymore Hersh expressing that Seth Rich was Wikileaks source of the DNC email leak. Something that Assange has hinted at consistently even raising the reward for information on his death to a bounty of $20,000. 

Hersh went on to describe the existence of a secret dropbox account that was used by Rich to dump the emails. He also added that Rich was asking for money for the files at one point early on in the exchange.

Hersh is infamous for his journalism regarding Syria and the red line and rat line. He also broke the  My Lai and Abu Ghraib scandals.

 “All I know is that he offered a  sample, an extensive sample, I’m sure dozens of emails, and said ‘I want  money.’ Later, WikiLeaks did get the password, he had a DropBox, a protected DropBox,” Hersh said. 

"They got access to the DropBox.” 

Hersh also stated that Rich had concerns about something happening to him, “the word was passed,  according to the NSA report, he also shared this DropBox with a couple  of friends, so that ‘if anything happens to me it’s not going to solve  your problems,’” he added. “WikiLeaks got access before he was killed.” 

Finally, the last story by Big League Poltiics, details how the lead homicide detective on the Seth Rich murder case was told to leave the Seth Rich case alone and not talk about it with anyone.

"He said privately that the Metropolitan Police Department gave him “strict, strict rules”  not to talk about the case “because of what this case is.” He said the  higher-ups in the department were very aware of the case and begged a  private investigator not to “throw me under the bus” because he feared  he would get “re-assigned” somewhere to “moving property around” if he talked about the case,"  Patrick Howley wrote.

These leaks completely open a whole new can of worms on the Seth Rich murder mystery puncturing holes in the already flawed narrative that his death was just a "botched robbery" and finally reveal Rich as WikiLeaks source as Kim Dotcom another close confidant to the international whistleblower organization said months ago.

According to Fairbanks this is just the start and there is still more to come grab your popcorn! It's all unwinding by the thread now.

DISCLOSURE NOTE: This reporter worked with Cassandra Fairbanks at @WeAreChange last year she was my former editor.

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