Syrian gov't reopens Quneitra Crossing for first time in 4 years (video)

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:20 P.M.) - The Quneitra border crossing in the demilitarised buffer zone between Syria and the Israeli-occupied section of the Golan Heights reopened on Monday, four years after the UNDOF (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force) forces left the area.

Israeli Defence Forces spokesperson, Maj. Nehemia Berki said that the reopening of the crossing "re-empowers the UN ability to enforce the accords" after the mission was driven out of the area by the militants in July 2014.

Berki went on to say that "UN forces will reinforce the ability to respect the 1974 accords by both sides during keeping hostile groups from between two sides"

The UN forces, which have been monitoring the military disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria since 1974, were driven out by militants who took hold of the area in 2014.

Syrian government forces recaptured the Quneitra area in July 2018 which paved the way for the crossing's opening.


Video credit: Ruptly

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