Israeli Regime Forces Execute Two Young Palestinians

Damascus, Syria (9:00 A.M)- Two young Palestinian men have been killed by Israeli Regime forces, in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces have killed two young Palestinian men, one in the West Bank and the other in the Gaza Strip. Both shootings, perpetrated by Israeli military combatants, were committed within the time frame of 24 hrs.

The first murder occurred in Gaza yesterday, after Montasser El-Baz (17 years old), was shot in the head with live ammunition by an Israeli Sniper. The unarmed teenage boy, who had been participating in 'The Great Return March' demonstrations, was confirmed dead by the Gaza Health Ministry shortly after being briefly treated by paramedics.

Montasser El-Baz (17 yrs old), an unarmed teenager, killed by a calculated headshot from an Israeli Sniper.

The second murder case, occurred early this Wednesday morning, following an Israeli raid of the West Bank town of Tamun (East of Tubas). Children and young men, had reportedly engaged in throwing stones at the Israeli gunmen, who had just raided houses in their town. The Israeli forces responded by firing live ammunition at those who confronted them, killing Mohammed Bisharat (23 yrs old) and injuring 5 others.

Mohammed Bisharat was, according to Palestinian Media outlets, transported to Al-Razi hospital, in critical condition, after he was struck in the back by an Israeli fired bullet. He was later confirmed dead by doctors on the scene.

Mohammed Mahmoud Saad Bisharat (23), murdered by Israeli Regime Militants.

Sixteen Palestinians were also arrested, this Wednesday morning, as the result of Israeli raids conducted throughout the illegally occupied West Bank.

Approximately 300 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces, in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, since the beginning of 2018. Most of those killed have been young men and teenagers. Amongst those who have been killed by Israeli forces, have been women, infants, children, the elderly, journalists, paramedics and the disabled.

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