World Bank to Provide $200m for Forestry and Rohingya Children’s Education

The Bangladesh government yesterday signed two agreements with World Bank worth $200 million for increasing forest coverage and providing education to Rohingya children, said a press release.

Both agreements were signed by Monowar Ahmed, secretary of the Economic Relations Division (ERD), and Qimiao Fan, World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal at ERD.


The agreement on “Sustainable Forests and Livelihoods Project”, worth $175 million, will plant trees in 79,000 hectares of forest through a collaborative forest management system.

The sudden influx of over 725,000 Rohingyas to Cox's Bazar caused the loss of nearly 13,000 hectares of forest. The project will restore trees in 19,925 hectares of land in Cox's Bazar.

Another agreement on “Reaching Out of School Children Project II”, worth $25 million, will help about 350,000 Rohingya children and adolescents get basic education and psycho-social support.

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