'Saline' to save trees!

Saline is being given to save a seven-year old banyan in the Telengana state of India. The international media has already started reporting this method of fancy.

The BBC released a pictorial report on the matter on Thursday. It is reported from the report that, in order to save the tree from the attack of the vipor, forest department has brought the issue of saline. The forest department says that several saline bottles are given in different branches of pesticide mixed pesticides.

The reason why saline bottles and pipes are being used to provide pesticides is explained to the BBC as a forest department official. He said that their idea is, if pesticides are given in this way, it will gradually reach the wounds caused by insects in the area.

The seven-year-old Indian banyan is spread over three acres of land. It is believed that it is the second largest banyan in the world; Which is also a tourist spot. But authorities have reserved access to tourists since December last year.dec0d5ac4fc5e843166daff42ae994c5-5ada0a840f44a.jpg
forest department sources said they noticed the attack on the tree in December last year. Forest department fears that if the vipor impedance is not stopped, then the old tree may die.

Pandunga Rao, a government official, told the BBC that they had taken several steps to protect the plant besides providing pesticides. One of the steps is to prevent the suspended branches from breaking into the ground, to prevent the branches from cement pills and to fertilize the tree.
Another official told the BBC that many tourists swing at different branches of the tree. There were many branches hovering in it. So it was forbidden to swing in the branches. If the tree is healthy, it will be re-opened to tourists, he said.

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