Aggroed's Antidote- 4/10/18 If you had my news feed you'd question the official narrative too!

News feeds can save lives. If more people had a better news feed they might actually question the bullshit that's going on around them. Here are some stories in my news feed that I think are important that you have likely missed because they are hard to find.


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No sign of chemical weapons at attack site... False Flag?

MIT Expert says Syrian Gas attack was staged

Conflict in Syria was always Isarel's War

Israel is bombing Gaza

John McCain visits chemical attacks follow

Mattis admits Assad didn't poison his own people

throwback UN accuses Syrian rebels of gas attacks, which had been blamed on Assed 2013

US officials confirm Israel attacked Syria


Syria becomes World War Powderkeg

Titus Frost talks about Israel bombing Syria

Luke we are change talks about Syria Bombing with Partisan Girl

US says no evidence that Assad behind chemical attack

War Diary in Syria March 6th

Isareli airstrike on T-4 base in Syria with Russians in it

(Tony Blair says UK should attack Syria](

Assad denies chemical weapons use


Homeland Security Advisor Resignation

South Carolina to consider secession

FBI raids Trump Lawyer

Dems release tax hike plan

Dem arrested for firing 9mm without serial number


China trade changes

Indigenous Women March in Amazon

China ready to lower tariffs on American Cars

WW3 Erdogan calls for ARMY of Islam to attack Israel

Erdogana nd Tump coordinate

Erdogan calls Netanyahu a terrorist

Israel rejects UN and EU calls for Gaza inquiry

London stop and frisk for knives

Abe cabinet in Peril

Old News Israeli officials say time to kill Bashar



James Fetzer on Parkland

Ethnic cleansing of Palestine

Jerry Brown to release 10k pedophiles

Malaysian plane that went down over Ukraine

Rod Rosenstein's wife a layers for Obama, Clinton

Queen Elizabeth records a speech about oncoming WWIII

How to spot retilians

Broward County Sheriff Deputy questioning the narrative is dead

Officer reassigned after indicating school shooting was a hoax

Puerto Rico being ethnically cleansed for superrich


Asshole from Snopes busted for prostitutes

UN asshole facing Pedo charges

CPS makes money taking your kids


YouTube and FB are losing to Steem


Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated

2nd Amendment keeps women safe


Transpicuous Views on Education


Bayer to acquire Monsanto

Secret Space

Buzz Aldrin pass lie detector on UFO encounters

9/11 petitiion

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