The Chinese version of Robinson 中国版的鲁滨逊

Luoyang mountain people for avoid the bandits hid in the mountains for centuries, drilling cave travel
洛阳山民避祸躲深山百年 钻山洞出行

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In China Henan Luanchuan County, there is a mountain village, is located in the mountains surrounded, is a difficult trail of cliffs, the only one more than 200 meters long cave leads to the mountain, Li Laohan lived in Here has been a hundred years.

Li Laohan only a marriage is the spirit of some abnormal woman, almost 70 years old, he did not want to adopt a child, he said that living in such a place, even with children, will only become the child's Burden, until their fast To die, the door off, lying on the bed, a fire, a hundred of the

Dry and cold northern winter, Li Laohan and his wife in the yard gave birth to a lot of fire to warm. Because the room too much debris inside, not suitable for fire, four or five in the afternoon, Tianyi black only early sleep

Drought year after year, the mountain springs are no longer a lot of water, this has been used to draft the spring, and now has become a stagnant water and a beach, and only he raised tens of chickens drinking water here. Li Laohan thought In the mountains to raise more chickens, it is a pity that there are wild animals in the mountains, will come to the scourge

Road only one meter wide, since the cave no water, the Li Laohan bought a tractor head, easy to cultivate mountain land, he used his carpenter skills, produced a tractor and tractor head implicated, the modern and The combination of the original tractor, became a long journey to sell food transport.

Lee in the mountains of this live, is one hundred years, reclaim wasteland, planting bamboo

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