The Crown Prince Is Missing! What's Next For Saudi Arabia?

If you didn’t already know the Saudi Arabian crown prince was controversial, catch up quick! The best example of Prince Mohammed bin Salman ruffling feathers was on April 2, when he officially declared Israel’s “right to exist.” He might have even been working with Jared Kushner to solidify the Trump Administration’s Middle East peace deal.

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There’s predictably been some trouble since then, however. On April 21st, all word of Prince Salman ceased. He has not been sighted in over a month. That’s a big deal for someone with a heavily public role like his. So what happened? Was he shot? Kidnapped? If he’s simply hiding, it would be a terrible display of weakness for someone in his position, but if he is wounded, he might be recovering to emerge with resilience.

This man is practically the face of his nation, and Saudi Arabia is a key element in the Armageddon cocktail. What will this disappearance mean? Will his rival relatives under Prince Alwaleed bin Talal rise to power after their greatest threat is possibly neutralized?

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Well, it may not be so dire, as a recent photo was posted of him as the royal family attempts to dispel any rumors that he may have come to harm. They claim he is vacationing with the Egyptian President in Egypt, alongside several other regional rulers. Whether this is true or crafted public damage control remains uncertain.

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