News from Nicaragua, comments from Cecicastor

Image from The Havana Times article cited below

With this self-amnesty, Ortega admits the dictatorship’s responsibility for the massacre. In doing so, he can’t erase his own responsibility as Supreme Police Chief, nor that of the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity, because according to international law justice for such crimes cannot be proscribed. It is, therefore, a strategy of temporary political protection for his supporters, while the regime, that is going through a terminal crisis, remains in power.

With only ten days remaining until the 90-day deadline to guarantee the definitive release of all political prisoners, as agreed upon by the government in negotiations with the Civic Alliance, the OAS and the Vatican, President Daniel Ortega has unilaterally dictated an Amnesty Law.

Ortega rejected all the judicial alternatives available to him to free the prisoners. These included the Supreme Court issuing a definitive dismissal of the political trials combined with sentences of acquittal for those who have already been convicted. Instead, he decided to sow a political trap: an amnesty that grants the benefit of a conditional release while maintaining the de facto state of siege without restoring civic liberties. It expressly establishes that the crimes committed by the police, paramilitaries, other supporters of the regime, and its intellectual authors will not be investigated.
Article from The Havana Times

Comments from Ceci in response to this article

cecicastor Today at 8:23 AM
Everyday brings something new and challenging.
The UN cries foul, but nothing changes for the people.
There is no amnesty for the political prisoners.
If they are released from prison, it is to house arrest only to be
rearrested days later on other criminal charges.

My former car mechanic had to stop work after he had a stroke.
He was arrested last year because he happens to live one block
from a blockade. They said he was the captain of the blockade,
so he was sent to El Chipote and tortured for his crimes.
He was released a week ago and then rearrested on charges of murder.

This man is partially paralyzed and barely able to care for
himself, let alone commit the crimes of which he has been accused.

JESmith-This is not an attempt to plagiarize, but simply trying to
help the folks I know in Nicaragua, to help get the news out to a
population that is in the dark about this dire situation.

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