Introducing myself in English version

¡Hey everyone!

(Sorry for my poor English, I'm learning. If you want to correct me, you can do it)

My name is Erianna Rodriguez, I recently jointed to steemit, and this is my first post.

I want to tell you a little about me, I was born in Venezuela, Caracas (February 28, 1997) I'm 21 years old.

I enjoy many activities, but my favorite is Pole Dance. I love it because it includes gymnastic and contemporary dance, the most type of Pole Dance that I like is Art Pole. I can practice it and get lost in what I'm doing at that moment. I don't care the time or what is happening in out, even I forget all my worries. My eyes, my heart, and my mind are only at the Pole, my trainer, my mates and the music. All people should have an activity that provides the same feeling; absolute happiness.



I moved to Chile 8 months ago. The reasons why I should have stayed in my country were good: I was studying at university, I was on a course, I was doing many activities...

One day I had the opportunity to know how venezuelan people were living In Chile, and I decided to stay, like them. When I was thinking about my decision I regretted a few days, I thought was a mistake, but I prefer to think that It isn't. I don't believe that exist the destiny, neither lucky people. We are responsible for our life; therefore, my responsibility is achieving whatever I want, even if I live in Venezuela, China o Turkey. Everyone can dream, and they can come true, but there are important things that create a barrier amoung our goals, It´s the fear, and on the other hand, there are the wrong beliefs from our parents and society that we adopted when we were kids, if we could clean it we would be free.

When I was 17 I used to learn about "thoughts", I can talk for hours about how thoughts can affect our present life an even de future. I love reading, watching videos, listening audiobooks, follow people in social media that have knowledge on it, whatever. I don´t like to say that I know everything about it, nevertheless, I want to share posts about self esteem, inside freight, feeling good and other topics with steemit community. I wish would do it in a form that can be easy for people to understand it. It isn´t mean that I know how to control my feelings, I am a human, like you, but together we can transform our all life.

I hope you like my idea, you will be my first audience, and you can tell if it is good, or it is bad, and why...

Finally, I want to share this pretty image, someone very special did it, "It looks like me" because I believe in the universe, and whatever you have done or made, It was attracted by vibrations. The picture is cute, so I will post it in future posts. Thanks for reading me.


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