Happy New Month

Welcome to the third month of the year. It'll be a month we 'March' into greatness, breakthrough, and upliftment.
This month will be the best we have witnessed just yet. It's our month of answered prayers.

I resumed work at 8am. I travelled back from Osogbo and I was able to make it in time. And I don't feel stressed. I'm glad. It's why I know and have faith it'll be a stress-free and easy month.

So I got to work and noticed that the fact that I had slight sore throat yesterday (I noticed Sat night)has affected my voice. It's really difficult to talk without straining my voice so I had to stay off my morning programme. I don't want to strain it further because I am going to cast news all through the day, and tomorrow as well. Wish me well🤗.

Happy New Month, May we all be granted the Midas touch.🤗

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