Mom baby newmom

Pregnancy brings a new meaning to the concept of beauty. It is a period of immense joy coupled with excitement. The feeling of carrying a little soul within you is magnificent. image

  1. Listen, this parenting thing is hard.
    This parenting shit is so damn hard. And no one really tells you. It’s so hard to love someone so much you feel like you might break in half at the thought of disappointing them. Work through the pain and don’t be afraid to feel it. When I was a new mom, I was afraid, but I’m not anymore. The parenting part hasn’t really gotten easier, but I’m learning how to deal with my heart being outside of my chest, in these little people I so lovingly created.

  2. You have fed your babies, and they are healthy and thriving; in the end, that’s what matters.
    I know you are so disappointed that you had to stop breastfeeding, but listen: They are eating. You are feeding them. But, I do remember when I nursed my son for the last time. He had weaned himself and I was so sad. And I was shocked at the sadness and the tears. Suddenly, after so long, I had my body back, but I felt a void. I think that may be what you are going through now. I will tell you that part does get easier, even though it feels like it won’t.

  3. Do not feel guilty.
    Maybe you don’t at all, and that’s great. I hope you don’t. But just in case, try not to feel guilty. This is particularly hard, really, while raising humans. I feel guilty every day about something I said or did, or what I didn’t say or didn’t do. I think it comes with the territory, this “mom guilt,” so let’s help one another with this, okay?

  4. It’s hard, but it’s so great.
    You are in the trenches now. The babies aren’t sleeping. They had trouble eating. But the best is yet to come. This hard work? It pays off. I saw you watching my son walk my daughter down the sidewalk, and I saw you looking at what you called my daughter’s “little, white teeth.” The pure joy these two give me (when they aren’t driving me crazy) is amazing. I am so honored to be their mother and to watch them grow.

  5. Try to be kind to yourself.
    You’re doing the best you can, and while that might not feel like enough right now, it is. Keep taking the walks; the fresh air really is healing. I won’t tell you to take a nap when they do, because I hated that advice. Just care for yourself in the time and ways that you can.

  6. Finally, keep walking.
    Let’s walk together. I drink a lot of coffee, I eat a lot of chocolate, and I swear more than I should. But the walking is therapy and I need it too.

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