#NewCalifornia Rural Counties Declare Independence from the Rest of the State

If you watch the news or go to twitter #NewCalifornia Rural Counties Declare Independence from the Rest of the State to form the 51st state to join the union so instead of secession from United States. To some extent I understand the less populated areas not wanting the over populated areas from controlling their taxes, their votes and their lives and of course Amazon is riddled with new T-Shirt Designs Like this


But is splitting a state really the solution. There are some that feel the United States should be split down the middle, Democrats one side and Republicans on the other, but is not really a solution either. The United States was founded on the principal that men and woman would be treated equally and yet this huge divide if forming. I think instead of cutting things in half and splitting from people you disagree with, we need to come together as a country, a society and go back to what the United States was build on. Teach our Children to love their country again, allow people to speak their mind without fear of offending others and restore personal responsibility.

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