
Source: https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/122381-retro-style-no-bullying-illustration

One of my pet peeves is bullying. Let me preface this by saying that I was not bullied in school but I was raised to treat everyone with kindness and how I would like to be treated myself. I realize that not everyone was brought up this way and people are mean to each other for a variety of reasons. What brings up this topic this morning, however, is that I was looking through the news and saw an article about three teen girls who exposed another to pineapple when they knew she was severely allergic to it.

I can not wrap my head around what would possess someone to think that would be an ok thing to do. Those girls are now facing charges because they could have killed the one they targeted. They are 13 and 14 years old. I understand at that age, kids are not thinking consequences, but by that age you know that when someone is allergic to something that they can DIE from being exposed to it.

I guess my point of this all is that it blows my mind how awful people can be to one another. Every day you read articles and news about parents who have abused or killed their children. How someone went and shot up their workplace because they were bullied at work. Teens who have been bullied at school and online committing suicide. It's disheartening at best to think that there is no kindness in the human species anymore and everyone is just out to make someone else feel lesser so they feel bigger. Maybe I've become a bit jaded, but it seems like there is nothing but news stories like this anymore. There is too little news of people helping one another.

It costs nothing to smile at someone or compliment them, to genuinely find something positive in another human being. Why is it so hard to help someone in need but so easy for some to tear someone down when they are already defeated? You never know what someone is going through and just a little bit of kindness could be all the difference in the world to them.

I'm not perfect, there are times when I catch myself thinking mean things when sometimes even speaking with friends mean things are said but I always try to remember:

Source: https://thinkkindness.org/kindness-classroom-keeping-simple/

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