Introduction Blog:The Shell has finally shown its Pearl!

Amazing Hello, Hive!

I am extremely delighted to know this community where I can express my thoughts and feelings. It took me weeks to finally step into this world of blogging. Thanks to my colleagues; @ciadanmea, @redgemini, @dehai and more for sharing this. To know me more, let me give you a glimpse of my life story and I hope that you can get inspiration at some point.


My name is Pearly_shell, a public school teacher, 28 years old from the land of Tabogon, Cebu, Philippines. We are five siblings and I am the eldest daughter in the family. Throwing back some memories when I was a little is so different from the normal kid. As you read my life story, please don't feel sorry for me. Instead, let it remind you of how blessed you are to have had a happy childhood.


Due to my family's financial struggles, I didn't have a typical childhood experience. I love learning since then. When I was three, I wanted to go to school because my cousins were already in kindergarten. So my Lola (grandmother) approached the Kindergarten teacher if it was okay that I’d be a visitor in the class, thanks to God the teacher approved.

Over the weekend, I helped my father sow corn and cultivate the land on the farm. Yes! You got it right at a young age I already felt the difficult part of life. And that was the beginning of learning to work. While working on the farm, my father always told me to strive hard at school because that’s the only way we can have a good life in the future. At age five, I already worked in the Hacienda (sugarcane farm) earning 50 pesos a day way back in 1998. It was tough earning those fifty pesos, with lots of sweat and enduring the scorching heat of the sun all day.

At that age, my parents didn’t want me to work but I pushed them to take me to their work because I wanted to help. My parents appreciated me for my initiative because of poverty. At work, I always cried in the middle of the day every time I saw kids playing from afar. For my part, I feel envious because I see myself deprived of being a kid but contemplating on the other side I could also do that when I can finish the work. I always kept on telling myself that everything I had was just temporary, and I should not stop dreaming even if I missed my kid life.

As time went by, I worked for my dream like graduating in elementary as 3rd Honorable Mention. The greatest achievement I gave to my parents at that time was they able to march as one of the parents of the year. A pride that I can give back to them. The fruit of their labor was sweet, and I am always proud of my parents for racing me well and always honoring God in any way. Life didn’t end there just because I graduated with honors.

In my high school years, I still worked in the hacienda every weekend and late afternoon after class like every day. A mere routine for the casual life of a teenager. That’s me And I cannot deny the fact that in high school there were gatherings together with classmates that I missed most of the time because I spent my weekends helping my parents work in the hacienda.


Hardworking and perseverance were the keys that I was able to survive my high school years as an academic achiever. Achieving my goals even in my youngest years requires patience, perseverance, and hard work. I couldn’t study in college after my high school years because my parents couldn’t afford the tuition fees so I decided and ask permission from them to work as a housemaid in Cebu. This was a very hard time for me for I decided to work away from home. I couldn't even sleep in another house because my mother wasn't used to being without her daughters, but she had no choice. I was determined to work and help them.


Working as a housemaid made me realize the importance of having a degree so I let my parents go to Cebu Roosevelt Memorial Colleges and inquire about scholarships though my boss wanted me to study in San Carlos. I refused their offer because the life of being a working student is not easy. I don't want my boss to be disappointed every time I can't complete household tasks. I decided to quit the job after a year and a half. I took a scholarship at CRMC - a college institution in Bogo City, Cebu.

Thanks be to God for the answered prayer. I passed the scholarship and was able to survive the college with Third Honor. On my graduation day, I surprised my parents by not letting them know that they were parents of the year again. We cried in tears as we marched the red carpet, finally all the sweat had paid off with a sweet embrace and thankful heart. We did not imagine that I could make it through, and they made it to send me to college and support all my endeavors in life.


I could say that was the peak moment of my life, getting a job again after graduation. I was hoping to pass the examination to teach at CRMC and got to pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers at the same year. And I did! I could already support my parents and my siblings as well.


Expectations from me...
Expect more adventure, life experiences and scenic view of the province life.

Reason of joining...
I believed that we have different struggles and challenges in life. So I joined this platform so that i can share and inspire some people who had the same story as mine. I can't wait to hear yours and excited to interact to this hive community. #blog #life #hive #introduction #memyself&I!

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