Self-Introduction "Unveiling My Story”


“I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.” — Lily Tomlin

Hello everyone, I go by Shielamae Villamater, but you can call me Shie or Shiela. I am a teacher at Hope Mountain Foundation for children who are victim-survivors of Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children or OSAEC and children who are also sexually abused. At 32 years old, I am grateful and blessed for everything in my life. I am dedicated and genuine, though I must admit to being somewhat skeptical. Not skeptical of my spiritual beliefs, but of my physical self. Some may label it as insecurity, which is common, but I view it as a healthy dose of caution. The youngest of four siblings, I have two sisters and one brother. Thankfully, our mother is still alive and well by God's grace.


My father passed away when I was seven, and I have no recollection of our time together in my early years. From childhood, we understood the challenges of life and the effort needed to achieve our desires. Since then, we have been resolute in pursuing our aspirations. During my childhood, my eldest sister took on the role of a father figure, providing for our basic needs while our mother worked tirelessly to cover our educational expenses and care for us. Following my father's death and being the youngest in the family, a relative advised me to assist my mother in overcoming poverty and stepping into my father's shoes by contributing to our financial well-being. Consequently, I undertook various tasks to support my family, such as babysitting, assisting my mother in selling BBQ and street food in the afternoons, and even engaging in construction work to earn a living.

Upon completing high school, one of my aunts brought me to her home in Lapu-Lapu to work as a student in an education program. After a year and a half, her partner passed away, prompting her to relocate to Manila for work while I worked diligently to sustain myself. I began working at a popular fast-food establishment while pursuing my studies. Balancing my schedule was challenging as my classes ran from 7:00 am to noon, and work spanned from midnight to 6:00 am. After two years, I decided to discontinue my studies and focus solely on my job, shaping the course of my future. It is safe to say that without God's interventions in my past, I would not be the person I am today.

I joined the Hive community to raise awareness about child sexual abuse and to share my experiences on how to deal with victim-survivors. I worked in an NGO called Hope Mountain Foundation and my goal is to inspire people to be grateful for what they have, despite their difficult childhoods. Another reason why I joined the Hive is to improve my writing skills. Although I majored in English, I lack confidence in my writing abilities. By sharing my thoughts and experiences here, I hope to receive constructive feedback from the community, which will help me become a better writer. I would like to express my gratitude to @chimegipamus and @mommyjane for helping me join this platform.


Hope Mountain Foundation is a safe refuge of Hope, Healing, and Restoration for children (both boys and girls) rescued from online sexual abuse and exploitation (OSEC). Hope Mountain Center also serves children that are victim-survivors of other (non-OSEC) forms of abuse including rape and sexual molestation. The goal of our platform is to enable and help children to restore their social functioning and regain their self-esteem, self-worth, and dignity through the programs provided. However, this platform is not easy, but with the passion and love of the founders and staff of Hope Mountain, together with the guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ, we know that we can help these children to stand up again strong and healed.

credits to the owner

Being a teacher for 20 children with different backgrounds and traumas is a challenging task. I deal with students aged between 3 to 17 years and with different grade levels, ranging from grade 1 to grade 11. While some children have a good background in education, most of them struggle with basic skills, such as reading and writing. It is difficult to handle children with various traumas as I need to face different tantrums and reasons every day just for them not to attend school. However, seeing them improve and build their self-esteem and determination to learn again is an incredibly fulfilling experience.


In my free time, I thoroughly enjoy cooking and baking for children. It's not just a hobby for me, but also a way to give back to the community. I often take the opportunity to teach teenagers how to cook, starting with simple recipes and progressing to more complex ones they can use in the future. Cooking also helps me relieve stress and clears my mind. It's a win-win situation as I get to de-stress and the children get to try new and delicious foods. Whenever the children see me in the kitchen, they get excited and look forward to enjoying the tasty treats that I prepare. To keep the momentum going, we have set up schedules for the children to cook meals for everyone. I feel content seeing the kids enjoying their time in the kitchen and relishing the food they prepare.


I am privileged to be the choir director and media personnel of our church, as I am the sister of the Pastor's wife. Every Saturday, we have a practice for the Sunday service. Initially, I thought being a choir director was an easy task since I was already a choir member, but I was mistaken. It is not an easy task since I need to choose a song every week that can be a blessing to everyone and serve as an opening message before the divine service. Choosing a song is not like choosing a dress to wear; instead, I need to pray and ask God for wisdom and knowledge to select a song that can bless or deliver a message to everyone. As a choir director, I also have to ensure the quality of the music and the capacity of the voices of the members and guide them on the right tone for the music.


As I reflect on my journey shared with you today, I am reminded of the power of self-discovery and growth. Through the ups and downs, the triumphs, and challenges, I have come to realize that life is not easy without the guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ, and life is very uncertain. I will end with the ironic quote "I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific" Lily Tomlin. I chose this quote because everyone wants to be somebody, but it is essential to be specific about what you want to be.
Hope you enjoy reading and see you on my next blog.

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