Weekly Card Reading - Your Spirit Guides are Ready!

Sunscape's weekly reading...

Pick a card from the following to receive this weeks
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

- Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, number 2 or number 3.

- Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.

- Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.

- This is purely for entertainment purposes only.

- If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

Trust Your Vibes

by Sonia Choquette

I will be sharing the information on each card according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook that accompanies the deck. Enjoy!

Guidance Card 1


No. 22

You've been meaning to meditate, and maybe you're managing to.... sometimes. However, if you really want to live a fully grounded and guided six-sensory life in the flow of synchronicity and good vibes, you would benefit from meditating often. I know it takes time and commitment, but the gain is worth the effort. It stabilizes your sixth sense and trains your mind to quiet down so that you can hear your vibes more accurately.

View meditation as a gift, not as an assignment or an unpleasant duty. You don't have to meditate for long, even 10 minutes is meaningful. What is important is to meditate in the same fashion and approximate time period, as your subconscious mind starts to anticipate the time as a moment to relax and listen to your Higher Self, and it cooperates.

If you're consistent, you'll receive the guidance you seek as you meditate. It's simple: Start with breathing slowly in to the count of four, and then out to the count of four, and relax. Think only of you breath and being if you can. Start out with 5 minutes and work your way up. If your mind wanders, don't worry. Simply let the thoughts come and go and re-focus on your breathing. Be patient and stay with it. Look forward to it. Enjoy your meditation time, it is your appointment with peace.

Guidance Card 2

Expect the Best

No. 21

You're being advised by your Higher Self and guides to start each day expecting Divine guidance to direct, support, and happily surprise you. By entering a state of expectation, you create a vacuum in you vibration. The Universe doesn't tolerate a vacuum, so it will seek to fill it with exactly what you expect. If you expect struggle, you attract struggle. If you expect guidance, synchronicity, and celestial gifts, you attract that as well.

Your guides are advising you to shift your awareness to positive expectation, which acts like a magnet that attracts all you need when you need it. It creates a powerful vibration that will be felt and answered by your guides immediately. Take the risk and expect good vibes: They will show up!

Guidance Card 3

Call on Your Runners


There's no need ever again to search in vain for anything, or fear that what you seek isn't out there, or that if it is, you'll miss it. Be it a good parking spot, the ideal abode, or even your soul mate, you have a group of spirit guides called "runners" who are ready, willing, and able to help you find exactly what you seek. Humorous, efficient, and practical, they're called runners because they're very close to the natural world and actually run ahead of you to find what you seek. Their favorite sport is to guide you to the right place at the right time. They're the hidden force behind what is known as luck. They're the "go-fers" of the spirit world, but work only on assignment. They love to serve and are at your beck and call.

Send them ahead to save you a good seat at he movies or on your air flight, or to find answers for your research project. Call on them now to help connect you with your heart's desire. Relax your brain and put them to work instead. Take them with you wherever you go, and let them make your lucky day.

This weeks Spirit Guidance

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this weeks card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. I hope you had fun and found inspiration in the post.

Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed it.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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