Human beings usually take bad decisions in life


There is a tendency to think about ourselves as self-sufficient self-solving individuals. History is full with examples of people who believed they could solve problems on their own, but they failed so bad they faced catastrophic consequences.

The Bible says that God appreciates when men surrender to His wisdom, and acknowledge their littleness before Him. God blessed Solomon when he asked Him for wisdom instead of riches, women and power. Solomon acknowledged his need for God's guidelines and wisdom, and God awarded him with the rest. In Proverbs 8:13 to 18, we can observe God's advice in relation to pride and arrogance.

Some critics would argue that this approach denies our own capacity to think and solve problems. And the discussion often gets to the point of recognizing that even the most intelligent person was created by God. But the real mainstream here is the reality of the existence of God. If a person recognizes there is a God who created and controls everything, he or she must also recognize His greatness in size and wisdom. In Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse".

God made us all to be able to take decisions, this is also called "free will". The regular "free will" methodology for decision making normally involves weighting up the consequences of the possible decisions to be made. Although it does not usually imply facing these decisions against God's light to assess the convenience of their application.

What a great change it would be in people's life if they looked for God's wisdom. Trusting His will is not a matter of inferiority or self-denial, it is a matter of faith and obedience (in this strict order). Faith to believe there is a righteous God who made everything and whose wisdom keeps the whole Universe together. And obedience to His Word, for it is true and it endures forever.


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