first time sharing a piece of my writing

Throughout the day you knew where you were supposed to be. The areas you were supposed to be in. And, the many areas that were not to be entered. You knew when you were to be working, eating, sleeping. Never was there any talking or light. Occasionally, there would be faintest of sounds, just beyond recognition, leaving you to question your own sanity.

Each of us had our own schedule. Each day there was a task to be completed, floors to scrub, walls to wash. There was no written schedule you just knew that the tasks were rotated. If you washed walls yesterday, then today you scrubbed floors. If you washed and hung laundry yesterday, then today you worked in the kitchen. One day each week was your day of rest, you bathed put on a fresh garment and rested - all day.

But one learned quickly which foods to avoid, if you wanted to be awake. And, if you were very quiet, you could be in areas you weren't allowed. You could listen and learn.

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