

Ven explained to his older sister about his deal with Judge and naturally she was concerned for his safety appropriately because of Toledo and his gang’s history. Ven wasn’t afraid, in-fact, he was excited to for the opportunity to rid the island of the thugs. “Have you thought about counseling? Psychologist? Anything other than this would be better,” she expressed concernedly, “the APD can’t do what I can. This is a problem the ‘Justice System’ can’t take care of.” Leilani entered the kitchen and greeted her mom, ignoring Ven’s presence, “you’re going to be late for school,” Helena said while observing her watch, “-and I’m running late for work,” she frantically added. After an exchange of verbal contemplation, Ven decided he would take Leilani to school so Helena could be on time; the young girl was not happy about the decision but went along with her Uncle. “Why do you kill people?” Leilani blatantly asked while the two walked through the empty paved road, “I don’t kill anymore,” replied Ven; “why did you kill?” Ven nervously scratched his head and simply stated, “it’s a long story, kid.” Leilani noticed Ven’s sorrowful undertone and continued to walk in silence. “It was my first time ever having power,” Ven randomly clarified after reaching finally reaching the end of the road, she gave him a raised eyebrow; “literally or figuratively?” After some time had passed it was clear that Leilani was going to be late at the rate they were walking, Ven offered the girl his back to ride on as he flew to the middle school; luckily for Leilani there weren’t many people around to see her associating with the mot hated man on the village. Suddenly an array of sirens was heard zooming by following a black sports car. Ven’s smile grew grinchily as an idea manifested in his head. He took off into the air, swooped under the car, and practically tackled it. The four men quickly escaped the car seemingly unharmed, but, very much armed. Bullets shot out of the AK-47’s as Ven nearly ascended and escaped them. The police finally arrived at the scene, half of the masked men turned their guns to the police; the other two continued shooting at Ven. It was chaos in the middle of the road, only a mile from the school. Ven quickly created a circular barrier of cop cruisers around the deputies, “I got this,” he said before jumping over the cars. He was soon astonished by the four men now unconscious with their rifles in a pile away from them. “Thanks for the distraction,” said a cheerful voice of a teen, Ven looked around turning his head at every angle until he seen the young bartender dressed in a rubber trench coat with some sort of pads on his elbows, and, a glove with circuitry attached to batteries on it. “Is this a joke?” mouthed Ven. The cops arrested the men and hauled them off to the Police Department.

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Ven followed Otto to his hideout which was a small garage hiding under the highway, inside was a computer, a refrigerator, a couch, and some low-tech lab equipment. “You’re into electrostatics,” Ven stated after observing an open book titled From Stationary to Shock written by Professor Philip Gordon. “Something tells me you’re not really a bartender, who are you?” He added, the curly-haired teen motioned for Ven to look at his computer screen, “I’m the man who’s going to help you bring down Toledo’s gang,” Ven looked the boy up and down, then commented, “you’re like sixteen,” Otto replied, “eighteen, but, you still need my help. Their divided on each part of this island; drugs get ran in the North, guns in the South, trafficking in the East, and Jose himself controls the entire West.” Ven realized that Otto knew exactly what he was talking about, he would be a fool not to join forces, “fine, but first, you answer my questions,” Otto looked nervous but agreed. “Who are you, really?” He played in his hair before speaking, “my name is Otto Justine, I’m just a kid who likes electric science and Justice.” Ven mentioned the book, “where did you get it?” Otto explained that he followed the Police after they raided a lab, the only thing left behind was that book. Ven got angry but he knew there was nothing he could do now. “I’ll contact you whenever I see movement from the North,” Otto said before Ven dismissed himself. He flew to the location of the lab’s entrance, a metal door that was placed on the ground, feet from the airport that currently held no planes. To Ven’s surprise, the lab he grew accustomed to was completely empty. “I won’t let them destroy what we worked so hard to make.” He whispered while clinching his fist.

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Ven and Otto met at the garage and made their way North, where Toledo’s men were setting up to accept a shipment of highly-calibrated snipers. They waited on top of a tall building watching the transaction be played out. The eerie dark ship silently stopped at the dock as the buyers stepped out of their cars, there were at least fifty of them, but, one buyer wore a suit and had a horrible comb-over. “Is that all of the money?” The large bulky Russian asked, “indeed, my hulk-like friend.” The Russian whistled and his men set duffle bags at every buyer’s feet, once that was done, the buyers handed over the suitcases that was held in each hand. “Pleasure doing business with you, Ka Mea Kala,” said the brute, “we’re friends now, Sergey, please call me, Ray.” Once the ship was far enough away from the docks, Ven swooped down with Otto in one hand, then, followed the convoy of black SUVs. “There’s seven cars, each car holds six people, except the middle car, that one only holds Ray Ka Mea Kala and a driver, I’m estimating around forty armed men,” Otto called out to Ven. Ven scanned the street and saw exactly what he was looking for. The yellow barrels of water found on the road. “When I give you the signal, give the ground a slight jolt,” Ven instructed as he dropped off Otto and flew to the front of the line of cars and proceeded to kick the oncoming leading vehicle towards the barrels. The big car caused all of the barrel’s liquids to cover the street and the men’s feet; they began shooting their pistols into the night hoping to hit the flying Ven. “Now!” He shouted, and just as he did, blue sparks emitted from the darkness and flowed up the liquid ultimately electrocuting each of the men, rendering them unconscious. The terrible haired man burst from the SUV and unloaded his gun at the young boy, but missed every shot, he turned in pure fear when the sky made a cracking noise and from that noise came Ven flying at the man in nightmarish speeds. He was forced in the grasp of the flying man and brought to the highest height the two could stand, and Ven dropped the man from an elevation so high the two of them could see an explosion coming from a distant State. Before the man hit the pavement, he was caught by the throat and punched in the gut with a heavy hand, “one down, three to go,” Otto excitedly exclaimed.


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