Genesis 1:1... In the Beginning

I make it general rule that before I make up my own ideas about things such as right or wrong, why things are, the rules and ways of government morality, I at least take a look at what God says about it.

This is what I wrote:

It’s a New Year… It’s a new BEGINNING…
… No better way to BEGIN… Than to go back to… “IN THE BEGINNING”…
… Better Yet ???... To begin in verse 1 of Genesis 1… Where It says... In the Beginning God…
(To his ATHEIST University Classroom Students)… He Asked the class how much of the knowledge of all things is among them as students in the classroom… (The class came up with a figure of 5% )… Einstein thought they were a bit high in their estimate)... But still he asked them… “5%... Then let me ask you... is it then possible that God might exist in the other 95% ???)...
… Hmmm…
… The Philosopher Jean-Paul Sarte… He stated that the ESSENTIAL PROBLEM of PHILOSOPHY… Was this???... “That there is SOMETHING instead of NOTHING… WHY ???”...
… Everything else in our life FLOWS from the answer to THIS BASIC QUESTION…
… We have the opportunity… To start our year off COMMITTED…
… Committed To finding out WHAT GOD has REVEALED to us ABOUT HIMSELF… (And about us… And about WHAT HE CREATED)…
...“There is something… Instead of nothing… WHY?”... (That journey begins right here… (In Genesis 1)… God didn’t leave us without an answer…
1 In the beginning God created (Bara- Hebrew- to create something from nothing) the heavens and the earth.
A lot of people GET HUNG UP right there… On verse one…
Verse 1 is this OVERARCHING STATEMENT of FAITH that leaves NO ROOM for DEBATE if you call yourself A CHRISTIAN…
… If there is ANY QUESTION ABOUT THIS within you… It’ll be a A MEASURE of JUST HOW DIFFICULT IT WILL BE for you… To accept what follows… (The rest of the Book, The whole Bible in fact)...
… “You don’t really believe that God created the heaven and earth in just 6 days do you ???”...
The SKEPTIC ???… (And MY GENERATION has produced the best of them)… (Many of them CHRISTIANS)... He says in his heart… “That might be a nice legend… But you can’t take this seriously, literally… Because it’s just not scientific”...

To be continued...

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