Time Out

Things go wrong all the time, as we well know. That's life. It's how the problems are dealt with that measures the progress we have made.
A democracy is defined as "a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system." That means that ultimately, the power lies with the people. We the people have been given a voice in the government and we have the right to exercise that voice in order to create change. This change manifests itself most powerfully when multiple voices come together in opposition to something in the form of protests or marches.


He is not only a traitor, he is disrespectful, arrogant and utterly unfit to hold a position of public office, let alone be the president of the United States. America is an ideal and has an important and necessary role in the world today. It doesn't have to be about economy and politics, it is about what is right and what is unacceptable. In general, the world has lost the plot and it's been since the turn of the century. The world in general has started to accept such sickening standards, hypocrisy and nonsense. The bar is on the ground and people are tripping over it, but not doing anything about it. We need people like Bill Maher; I reckon he is the new world order editorial .

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