Introducing myself properly this time


I’ve been going about this whole blogging thing in the wrong way and I am ashamed to admit that I have plagiarised some of my blogs not my videos just my writing and that is going to change from now on.

The reason I did plagiarise in the beginning is because I’m dyslexic and I find it extremely hard to spell but it’s still no excuse so I apologise.

And this platform seems to be an extremely good method of getting your voice out there with all the other platforms being highly censored and centralise to one form of thinking.

I’m growing tired of these other meaningless avenues in getting my point across. and this platform seems to be an extremely good method of getting your voice out there.

I hope to polish my skills of writing and telling a good story and I hope you’ll join me and enjoy my posts from now on I hope everyone is well in steemit land.

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