The axis of unconventional war against Venezuela moves to its borders.

The increase of irregular situations in the border region of the Venezuelan State must be examined taking into account the fundamental characteristic of western criminal society that, in order to give unrestricted space to multinationals, seeks a forced break of national borders.

Since the turn of the century, Venezuela has given rise to changes in the global economic model, opting for relations of equality between nations, as well as social investment over financing for the business sector.

That is why the motivation of alternate ways that can trigger conflicting events has a lot to do with the need of the private ones to reduce the capacity of nation-states to administer the natural resources, located in their territories, necessary to sustain the consumer industry and globalized

That idea is adjusted to the killing of troops of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) in the middle of a campaign to neutralize the smuggling of drugs and drug trafficking in the Venezuelan borders in order to address foreign strategies that damage economic normality.

During the violent conflict that occurred on November 5, in the Amazonas state, reported by Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López, 12 people were injured, in addition to the three military officers belonging to the GNB who died.

Minister of defense of Venezuela Vladimir Padrino L. indicated on his Twitter account.
Today our Bolivarian National Armed Force has been cowardly attacked by these violent groups causing the unfortunate death of three members of the @GNBoficial and a dozen wounded, including two officers.
The reprisal broke out after anti-smuggling and drug trafficking operations carried out by the Venezuelan military resulted in the capture of nine Colombian paramilitaries who possessed weapons of war.

The distraction that Colombia disseminates through the Twitter account of its Foreign Ministry in Bogotá, hastily suggesting that the perpetrators of the attack are members of Colombian guerrillas, gives the first signs to deepen the true elements that cross the violent escalation in the Colombian border. Venezuelan.
Chancellery Colombia.
Press release about the assassination of Bolivarian National Guard troops in the state of Amazonashttp: // ...
Irregular groups, drug trafficking and the Colombian political agenda.
The Colombian State took the task of strengthening economically and politically the drug trafficking mafias during the last 60 years. The criminal structure that operates in the interior of the country has ramified its flows of merchandise transfer as production levels are optimized.

Just enough to mention, as a reminder, that the increase in coca leaf cultivation in 2018 had an increase of 31% compared to previous years. This leads us to ask ourselves about the illegal trade routes that traders must set to place their products within the reach of the international consumer market.

Venezuela, in this sense, is a geostrategic step to enter the countries of the North Atlantic, especially the United States, where is the bulk of the consumers of narcotics in the entire world. The race between cartels to control this route and expand the borders of the illegal drug industry force the Venezuelan government to develop security policies in the binational border to contain these illicit activities in the country.

Another decision that affects the drug business is the regulations regarding gasoline that are raised in the new scheme of international fuel prices, a necessary item in the preparation of cocaine paste and from which Colombian drug trafficking is supplied through of smuggling of extraction in Venezuela.

But the reasons that trigger clashes in the Colombian-Venezuelan Amazon do not derive solely from movements to safeguard Venezuelan sovereignty, but are also related to disagreements between the Colombian government and the Washington administration over the control of drug trafficking.
In the practical field, the operators who classify this diplomacy, the transfer of citizenship, the use of city routes. In addition, changes in crops in areas that combine with Venezuela, expose the disputes between paramilitaries, the scenarios and the elements that make up the criminal package that drug trafficking brings.

Arco Minero del Orinoco and the transnational struggle for mining resources.
Although, I have to reiterate the part mentioned many times as drug trafficking as an irregular practice that disrupts the public order of a country, it should not be forgotten that these armed groups are the arm of transnational interests and can be easily relocated in other tasks, according to the needs of its financiers.

What other reasons can be trigger armed conflicts in a region so sensitive to media coverage? A view of the geography of the Amazon answers this question.

The state of the state of the Amazon is part of the Orinoco Mining Arc (AMO), a national area created in 2016 as a strategy to house different mineral riches besides oil, which integrates the recent state policy of diversification of the economy. In the subsoil of this region there are deposits of gold, coltan, diamonds, bauxite and other minerals.

The companies operating in the vicinity of the triple border that shares Amazonas with Brazil and Colombia are made easy in these countries internal laws of environmental protection and respect for the rights of communities living in mining areas.

"It is easier to be illegal than legal," according to the Comptroller General of the Republic of Colombia. This results in an illegal state as an illegal agent.

The early inauguration of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil also outlines new cross-border attacks to violate Venezuelan soil and maintain the illegality of mineral resources, given that in his election campaign he raised the need to support foreign extractive industries, deregulating those in the Amazonas, and fixed a hostile position with the Maduro government.
Another motivation that connects organized crime sectors with illegal mining is that this activity is the most profitable to launder money from drug trafficking.

The sum of these two political actors, fundamental in the aggressions against Venezuela, can increase the financing of armed groups coming from illegal mining to provoke a scenario of violence in the bordering areas.

Organized crime and examples in Africa.
For less than this set of items, the most bloody conflicts are unleashed on the African continent. The rapid review of three specific contemporary cases (Angola, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo -RDC-) allows us to understand how the logic of neoliberal depredation works to access raw materials, increasingly scarce and necessary to sustain the industrial apparatus of the consumerism.

In these three countries, the European and American multinationals settled down to empty the mineral pantry, fomenting rivalries between tribes, separatist movements, adhesions of countries bordering the conflict, attacks on ethnic or religious minorities that activated situations of chaos, disabling the capacity of ordering of the nation-states and triggering the intervention of foreign military forces in the territories in dispute.

The situations in Angola and Sierra Leone bear the similarity that both conflicts took place in a context of diamond trading. The heterogeneous participation of national armies, mercenaries, paramilitary groups and international peacekeeping forces had the balance of 70 thousand and 1 million dead, respectively.

On the other hand, in the 20 years of violence in the Congo, country endowed with varied deposits such as gold, diamonds, cobalt, columbium, tantalum, copper, radio and uranium, 4 million citizens died. The importing companies of coltan, mainly from the United States, Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom, managed to capitalize 80% of the world reserves of this strategic item, concentrated in the DRC.
Additionally, the Venezuelan State integrated these resources as a support base for a financial architecture parallel to the traditional one, developing cryptocurrencies that have their value in the mineral reserves found in the AMO. Likewise, it uses the gold reserves to interact commercially in the international market and, internally, to carry out the Gold Savings Plan to protect the Venezuelan population, victim of the induced devaluation of the bolivar.

These projects are supported by China, Russia and Turkey, nations that are also developing mechanisms that could allow the rupture of the economic siege implanted from the United States.

An action that must be sabotaged by the agents of the declining world elites with the aim of reducing the impact of the rise of emerging powers. Attacking the area of the AMO, in that sense, is an expeditious way to do so.

Pacification of the South American region: imperial pretext to intervene in Venezuela.
The sharpening of these points of conflict gives the American performers of the war against the government of Nicolás Maduro a geostrategic channel to take as a basis the protection of political stability and militarily enter the country.

The latter is based on the transfer of the axis of unconventional warfare against the country to its borders, taking into account the fact that there is a strategy of redimensioning these through the illegal economies based on drug trafficking and smuggling. .

That is the interpretation that applies to the attempts of the corporate media to compare, decontextualized, Venezuela with sub-Saharan African regions that suffered a rupture in their social fabric, product of violent confrontations, the forced displacement of the population and the precarization of the working conditions of the mining workers.
Assigning these elements to Venezuela, omitting that national policies regarding the generation of profits for the State do not correspond to the modes of predatory neoliberalism, is proof that the oxygenation to the narrative of internal repression, the humanitarian crisis and the migration crisis is not working.

In this way, the United States redirects the speech to the violation of human rights in the triple border of Venezuela, fueled by the struggles between local delegates of mining corporations and global drug trafficking. Denying the work of the Venezuelan State to contain these groups is the way to dismiss it as a sovereign entity and to continue with the military logic, to the detriment of diplomacy and financial pressures such as economic blockade, sanctions, restrictions for the free negotiation of Venezuela with the rest of the world, which increases the shortage of food, medicines and services that are not produced in the country.

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