How Can Someone Start a New Life in Christ?

The Creator God tells us in the Book of Genesis about the origin of all things in six days—matter, light, Earth, sun, moon, animals, and mankind. His desire was that all of His creation would live in a perfect world where God and man could enjoy everything He had made . . . forever. Can you imagine living in a perfect world?

There was a perfect relationship between the Creator God and man; there was no death, disease, or suffering. Fear between man and animals was nonexistent, and every emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual need that Adam and Eve had was met by their Creator. The role of man was clearly defined: Adam and Eve were in charge of an orderly Earth that was “very good” (Genesis 1:31)!

Just imagine! God created man in His image, to have a relationship with Him, and gave him a perfect world to care for where mankind was the pinnacle of His creation! When God created Adam and Eve, He didn’t make them to be just obedient puppets; they had the freedom to choose and to make their own decisions.

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