New York Encryption Conference 2018 achieves $17 million worth of ticket sales

In response to the missile altitude of the biformative currency in late 2017, the number of attendees at the annual virtual currency conference in New York City this year grew threefold, up to three times last year.

The chief executive and founder of the company "digital Korsi Group", Barry Silbert, explained that he was scheduled to attend some 8,500 conference held by the "Queendisk", more than three times the number of attendees at the May 2017 conference, which reached 2,700 people.

Taking into account the $2000 Conference ticket price, this year the conference is expected to gain up to $17 million from the sale of tickets only, knowing that the ticket price as soon as the conference reaches $3,000.

One of the top officials in the secure global supply chain of "Amersorberbergen" in Philadelphia, one of the attendees of the conference, Jeff Denton, said that the turnout and the purchase of tickets were significant.

"Despite the high price of the ticket, many are seeking to attend the conference because it is the largest in the United States of America and the actual value of attending the conference is certainly worth the cost of the ticket," Denton said.

As to why he was attending, Denton asserted that "Amersresbergen" was very interested in purifying the balokchin and how it applied to health care systems.

Immediately after the start of the three-day conference yesterday morning, the crowd in the "New York Hilton Midtown" was so big that the CNN reporter "NBC" television needed about 75 minutes to get the entry badge.

For his part, the marketing director of Queensdisk, Jakob Donelli, said that the Conference had received great attention this year as the largest event focusing on Balokchin technology at all in the United States of America.

It is planned to hold more than 20 events, some of them at high-cost entrance fees, as part of the conference events as a New York week for the Bluchchen, which is being implemented in partnership with the New York Economic Development Corporation.

The gains have been boosted over 2000 dollars during last year's conference, and the currency price reached 19000 dollars seven months after the end of conference last December, but since then it has lost more than half its value and is currently traded for $8700 per currency.LYNXMPEE0N1QO_L.jpg

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