Top Reasons that Require a Visit to the Neurologist


An unfortunate reality is that as we age, our brain and nervous system begin to degenerate. While the rate of degeneration does differ from person to person and depending on one's existing health condition, the fact is that age will eventually impact our neurological well-being. On the other hand, factors like a sedentary lifestyle are leading to various disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord and nerves at a much younger age than ever before. We are more likely to ignore minor health issues and rely on temporary relief instead of figuring out the underlying cause might be.

However, there are some medical conditions, associated with our daily lives, that we should never ignore. Here's a look at the top 5 issues that warrant a visit to the neurologist.

5 Reasons You Should Consult a Neurologist

  1. Dizziness: Do you often feel that the world around you is spinning? Do you find it difficult to keep your balance? Well, you might be experiencing dizziness. If such incidents have taken place 2-3 times, then consult your primary care doctor. However, if you have been experiencing dizziness frequently, it may be indicative of a neurological issue, like vertigo or disequilibrium. It is advisable to consult a neurologist, such as those in Bangalore immediately.
  2. Problems with Movement: If you are experiencing problems in moving, including difficulty in walking, sudden and jerky motions, uncharacteristic clumsiness, and tremors on a frequent basis, it is indicative of a problem with the nervous system. Such movement problems can interrupt your daily life and activities. It is advisable to seek medical guidance at the earliest.
  3. Intense Seizures: A highly discomforting situation, seizures can vary greatly in length and intensity. They can be very extreme or almost unnoticeable. When a person has a seizure, they start to lose consciousness, coupled with confusion and jerking movements of the arms and legs. They could also experience uncontrollable muscle spasms and drooling or frothing at the mouth. Seizures can often be caused by low blood sugar. So, check with your primary care doctor and visit a neurologist, if recommended.
  4. Problems Sleeping: Is it really hard for you to fall asleep at night? Do you wake up several times throughout the night? Well, you are not alone. Sleeping difficulties are more common than one might imagine. The modern stressful lifestyle leads to depression, which makes people struggle with insomnia. But sometimes, sleep issues can be caused by a neurological disorder.
  5. Headaches: Headaches are something we all experience at some time or the other. The pain can be felt stretching into the sinuses or down through the muscles of the head, neck and shoulders. However, sometimes the pain can become unbearable and serious, like in migraines. If you are experiencing intense and chronic headaches that cause symptoms like nausea or vision loss, it is indicative of a neurological issue.

Do not take these five medical conditions lightly and see a good neurologist, such as those in Bangalore to ensure timely diagnosis and treatment.

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