Best Way to Get People to Join Your Network Marketing

You can just ask them, "What kind of work do you do?," "How long have you been doing that?," or, "What do you like about it?"


Ask the person what they like to do for fun, what some of their favorite places to visit are, or where their dream vacation would be.


While you don't need to follow the exact order of FORM, it's critical that you save your message for the end of the conversation, AFTER you've asked good questions. You will need to have been listening, so you can address a need or desire that came up. Example: "Joe, I noticed you said you don't like your job and you wish you could find something to make better money. Are you open to the idea of making some extra money part-time?"

Because you've listened and learned that Joe doesn't like his job and he does want to make more money, you can invite him to look at your business as a possible solution. However, if Joe loves his job, your invite will focus on a different need that arises in the conversation.

When you start listening, you open the door and people begin sharing. They share their thoughts, desires, and needs that you can serve.

I'll share a quick story from my own life about the power of asking questions and taking genuine interest in people. Recently, I got together with a high school friend and his wife. It's funny, because in the back of my mind, I've always thought maybe he would want to join my network marketing business.

At dinner, I asked his wife questions that opened the door for her to share about herself. She shared enthusiastically how she loves the company she works with, BUT she wants to build her own empire. She got really passionate talking about entrepreneurial ideas she's had and her desire to start a business. Then it happened. She said, "So tell me about the business you're in."

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