What is network marketing?

Network marketing or direct marketing or direct selling .... And many of the labels, network marketing is a system of sale adopted by US companies in the late twentieth century, has known a tremendous activity in recent times
1-Steps of Network Marketing

The company offers products or services by direct sales and cancels intermediaries such as transport, advertising, wholesale seller and seller by installments. Thus, the company provides a percentage of expenses up to 80% and distributes this percentage to the independent customers who are the previous customers , Where each customer is able to set up a project with a profit commission by selling the same product or service that he previously purchased.

2- Some commissions are adopted by network marketing companies
Direct commission: You get this commission when you include, add or embrace a new person to your network. This commission is often instantaneous, but those who check the rules of companies and their profit plans know the truth of this commission. This commission is not given according to the people who have been embraced. Number of personal transactions that you do, for example, for example, these are regular bouquets: $ 200 Silver Package: $ 500 Gold Balance: $ 1000 Suppose that the company gives 10% as a commission directly and assume that a person hugged 3 people and each person with a different package For the other, commission means 10% of each package, the person gets $ 20 + $ 50 + $ 100 = 170

The commission of the balance: The acumen of the commission often weekly and get the person when working with the team, and after embracing a group of people directly and indirectly, where always receives a commission on the weaker part of the network, and this commission also not be about the people but the number In the right hand side, the team earned $ 3500, and on the left, the team achieved $ 12,000. The company calculates the number of transactions at the end of the week and gives the agreed percentage, for example, 20% of the transactions. The weaker side is $ 3500 and gives a commission which is $ 700

Commission of generations: This commission is defined correctly, where the team leader benefits a certain percentage of the commission of the balance of direct persons and Gio direct according to the system of the company, and are often weekly

3-Factors leading to failure or fall in the monument in the field
One of the most important factors that lead to the fall of people in the monument or failure in this area there are two factors, the first is the temptation, where the company to develop a plan of profits imaginary and easy where you can attract the largest number of people in record time, where the candidate sees profit The second factor is greed where people are hungry for profit without any effort. This helps the company to be easy to believe in its profitability

4- Conditions for joining a network marketing company

  • The period of work of the company is more than 5 years as the lowest estimate.
  • The owner of the company is known and has a good reputation and successful in the field of work
  • The company shall have a product or service that can be consumed and meet the needs of all
  • The company should be contracted with large and well known companies
  • The company shall have headquarters in the country in which it is located or to provide a headquarters for the team -
    The company shall solve its legal problems in the country in which it is located
  • That the product or service at a suitable price and above the market price and du high quality ......IMG_6869.JPG
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