The Battle for Net Neutrality - What Can We Do?!


Today nearly 70,000 websites and organizations are planning to take part in a massive online protest to save net neutrality.

Instead of begging for the right to free speech from the FCC and others...

Let's make sure we have it!

Like with most great advancements throughout history, we're going to have to innovate a solution, rather than playing by the same rules set forth by the powers that be. We can only petition for so long until, as with the blockchain, we must secure our own rights.

In this interview Dan Larimer, he has something to say on the matter, and I think he couldn't be more spot on!

"The real end goal has to be freeing the internet infrastructure from monopolization, and that means innovating in areas of wireless communication and decentralized production, because if we can all communicate from person to person without any wires, it's game over." - Dan Larimer

  • So who is stepping up to free the internet infrastructure from monopolization?

  • Do you know of any awesome projects working to make this a reality? Mesh nets, etc...?

  • What role do you think blockchain technology can play in augmenting a decentralized web infrastructure?

I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. I would love to know that these solutions are within reach. At this rate, it's only a matter of time until the internet service providers are able to determine what we see on the internet... We can't wait until we reach that point to start innovating!

Check out this segment on Democracy Now for more info:

Battle For the Net: Mass Day of Action Aims to Stop Trump's FCC from Destroying Free & Open Internet

Best wishes!

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